ROOF PROJECT COMPLETED! We are thrilled to announce that the roof project is now complete. The damage was extensive, so the timing couldn’t have been better. The total cost for the project was $50,569.48. ACS from Madison graciously charged us only for the additional materials. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their generous donations toward this project. Any funds in excess of this amount will be saved for the education roof fund. Our “Family” truly gets things done! Thank you!!
It's our house, and we're all responsible for fixing it," was the advice given by one of our senior members. May we keep that in mind as you read further:
After evaluating the roof, it was discovered that there was a significant water leakage problem throughout the entire surface and edging of the roof. The extent of the damage will not be known until the shingles are removed. The council has anticipated this amount to be $45,000 for damage costs. We accepted a bid from ACS Roofing from Madison for $50,000 to remove and replace asphalt shingles and repair damages to the undersurface.
The council voted to initiate a fund drive for $95,000. Any funds exceeding expenses will be placed in the education unit roof fund.
Donations can be placed in the offering plate, dropped off at church during office hours, or through online donations. The initial due date for this fundraiser is September 20. Pledges will be taken through January 1, 2025, for those needing additional time. Please designate a roof fund when donating.
After evaluating the roof, it was discovered that there was a significant water leakage problem throughout the entire surface and edging of the roof. The extent of the damage will not be known until the shingles are removed. The council has anticipated this amount to be $45,000 for damage costs. We accepted a bid from ACS Roofing from Madison for $50,000 to remove and replace asphalt shingles and repair damages to the undersurface.
The council voted to initiate a fund drive for $95,000. Any funds exceeding expenses will be placed in the education unit roof fund.
Donations can be placed in the offering plate, dropped off at church during office hours, or through online donations. The initial due date for this fundraiser is September 20. Pledges will be taken through January 1, 2025, for those needing additional time. Please designate a roof fund when donating.

Attending the special congregation meeting on July 28 following service is essential to this process. We will talk about funding options at this time.
Please get in touch with Jared Sanderson, Todd Sanderson, or Diana Larson if you have questions."
Please get in touch with Jared Sanderson, Todd Sanderson, or Diana Larson if you have questions."