THANK YOU to our amazing church family! May this year be filled with joy and blessings.
What's Happening at OSLC this week:
Check out our Weekly Happenings for the latest happenings here at Our Saviors Lutheran Church Weekly Happenings OSLC has on site worship BUT we are live streaming!
Check our YouTube channel! Click below. |
We now have a blog as well. Church News
We are located at
505 S. Wind Street Flandreau, SD 57028 |
Check out our OSLC Facebook page at~ @oursaviorslutheranchurchflandreau
Don't forget to join the Our Saviors Lutheran Church Group from the main page. |
We are Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Open to Serve a Loving Christ

Our Saviors Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, South Dakota Synod. Northern European immigrants who settled here on the prairie founded our congregation in 1880. That same pioneer spirit continues to flourish, energize and motivate our members. This is most evident in our worship life, through the use of a variety of liturgies and special music. Our congregation is blessed with talented musicians, vocalists, a bell choir, childrens choir and the Savior Singers Choir. Members actively participate in Sunday worship, serving as readers, greeters, communion assistants, and ushers. Our members provide energetic leadership in all aspects of congregational life, including worship, education, youth, and the women's organizations. Education is the cornerstone of our life as a faith community. Our children in Sunday School learn stories of the bible, our confirmation students have class on Wednesday evenings as does our high school youth group, and our adults continue to grow in their faith through bible study classes. To learn more about our congregation please click on the links above.