To better communicate with the members of our congregation the office needs your email address. There are two ways to do that:
1) send an email to [email protected]
2) Fill out your info on the sheet provided in the Fellowship Hall.
**The email address above is solely for the purpose of Family Units.
To better communicate with the members of our congregation the office needs your email address. There are two ways to do that:
1) send an email to [email protected]
2) Fill out your info on the sheet provided in the Fellowship Hall.
**The email address above is solely for the purpose of Family Units.
The congregation is divided into six family units:
Family units serve in the following capacities:
Monthly assistance with Sunday morning worship.
Provide workers, AND food or donations, for the Fall Harvest Chicken Supper.
Be available at the request of the church council and/or Pastor for special occasions.
New members at OSLC will be included in a family unit; the unit leader will be notified.
If any information concerning address, phone, or family has changed, PLEASE notify the church office.
Important Explanation for Each Family Unit
* Indicates an individual is a shut-in or a resident of an assisted living center.
[ ] Indicates an individual is a non-member.
( ) Indicates names of children in a family.
Every member listed in a Family Unit can anticipate being called for assistance and/or donations.
Job Instructions for Sunday Worship Assistance
Ushers~ Collect the offering. Assist with other usher duties if the need arises.
Greeters~ Please be available 20-30 minutes prior to the church service. Greet all worshippers warmly with a smile.
Encourage all visitors to sign the Visitor’s Register and to join the coffee fellowship after worship.
Scripture Readers~ The church secretary will make arrangements for you to receive a copy of the lessons to be read. If you do not receive a copy, please contact the church office. If you would like a large-print copy, one will be furnished for you. If you are unable to read for the Sunday that you are scheduled, please call your unit leader early enough so they can find a replacement. Check with Pastor for pronunciation of any uncertain words. Please sit toward the front of the church. Be sure the microphone is on and adjust it to your height. Speak towards the microphone.
Coffee Hosts~ The janitor will turn the coffeemaker on. Make 75-100 cups of coffee (or more depending on the size of the crowd). All instructions for the coffee maker are on the wall beside the unit. If you have questions, please check with usher John Ulwelling. Be sure to follow instructions for cleaning the coffee maker when done. Cups, napkins, creamer & sugar packets, coffee servers and water pitchers can be found in the kitchen cabinets. Cookies & donuts will be ordered and will be in the kitchen. Please check the freeze for cookies/donuts that may have been left from the previous Sunday and use them first. At conclusion, place money and bakery receipt in the designated container and place can in the kitchen cabinet to the right of the serving window.
Communion Helpers~ Serve the wine & wafers during communion; Pastor will give instructions. Three helpers are needed for each communion service, which is normally the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Family units serve in the following capacities:
Monthly assistance with Sunday morning worship.
Provide workers, AND food or donations, for the Fall Harvest Chicken Supper.
Be available at the request of the church council and/or Pastor for special occasions.
New members at OSLC will be included in a family unit; the unit leader will be notified.
If any information concerning address, phone, or family has changed, PLEASE notify the church office.
Important Explanation for Each Family Unit
* Indicates an individual is a shut-in or a resident of an assisted living center.
[ ] Indicates an individual is a non-member.
( ) Indicates names of children in a family.
Every member listed in a Family Unit can anticipate being called for assistance and/or donations.
Job Instructions for Sunday Worship Assistance
Ushers~ Collect the offering. Assist with other usher duties if the need arises.
Greeters~ Please be available 20-30 minutes prior to the church service. Greet all worshippers warmly with a smile.
Encourage all visitors to sign the Visitor’s Register and to join the coffee fellowship after worship.
Scripture Readers~ The church secretary will make arrangements for you to receive a copy of the lessons to be read. If you do not receive a copy, please contact the church office. If you would like a large-print copy, one will be furnished for you. If you are unable to read for the Sunday that you are scheduled, please call your unit leader early enough so they can find a replacement. Check with Pastor for pronunciation of any uncertain words. Please sit toward the front of the church. Be sure the microphone is on and adjust it to your height. Speak towards the microphone.
Coffee Hosts~ The janitor will turn the coffeemaker on. Make 75-100 cups of coffee (or more depending on the size of the crowd). All instructions for the coffee maker are on the wall beside the unit. If you have questions, please check with usher John Ulwelling. Be sure to follow instructions for cleaning the coffee maker when done. Cups, napkins, creamer & sugar packets, coffee servers and water pitchers can be found in the kitchen cabinets. Cookies & donuts will be ordered and will be in the kitchen. Please check the freeze for cookies/donuts that may have been left from the previous Sunday and use them first. At conclusion, place money and bakery receipt in the designated container and place can in the kitchen cabinet to the right of the serving window.
Communion Helpers~ Serve the wine & wafers during communion; Pastor will give instructions. Three helpers are needed for each communion service, which is normally the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
April & October
Unit Leader ~ Connie Hove
Kelley & [Brandon] Ramsdell-Armstrong (Jameson)
Jo Barboza Dorothy Bauske Allen & Diane Blankenfeld Rachel & Cody Chamblin (Brinley) John & Christine Cox (Carli, Kinsey, Jackson) John & Cindy Duffert Ron & [Elaine] Hammer Delores Hammer Laura Hinrichs (Meryl Nelson) Dale & Carolyn Johnson Sherrie Johnson (Kyle ) Russ & Barb Kneebone |
Lynda Kuntz
Darlene Mulder *Dale Olson Arnold and Garnet Paulsen Tab & [Marsha] Peper Randy & Michelle Peterson (Alexander & Kristi) Verlyn Rentschler Jeremy & Carrie Schrecengost (Liam & Carleigh) Norma Smith Holist & Mandy Sutton (Emersyn) Randy & [Bridget Flannery] Tollefson (Titus) Charlotte Warner Larry Wilske |
Unit Leaders
Heidi Johnson
Aubrey Rose
Marc Blum (Karissa)
Joy Chamley Todd & [Karla] Chamley (Gunnar) Bruce & JoAnn Clark Marlys Drewes Doris Eide Bob & Sherry Erickson Lloyd Gundvaldson Ashley Headrick (Tathan, Karter, Ryker) Brian & Heidi Johnson (Brecken, Briggs) Roxie Johnson Carroll & Darlene Kuhnel Bruce & Wanda Kunze (Emily) |
Allen Loehr & Beth Wesala (Madelyn, McKayla, Tom)
Dan & Marda Olson Jim Peper Don & Sherry Peters (Brandon, Taylor, Shalyn, Tristan, Trevor) Brian & Julie Relf (Brooke, Bailey) Richard & Lillian Relf Aubrey & Logan Rose (Hayden, Layla, Stella) Joyce Schroeder Lora & [Henry] Smith-Ehnes Jessica & [David] Walford (Kaitlin, Kolton, Kyra) Gene Warner (Lindsay) Kris & [Paul] Weinand (Kyle, Jacob) Robert & Lori Williams (Hannah, Hailey, Lily) |
Unit Leaders ~ Jon & Tricia LeBrun
Jennifer & [Trevor] Anderson (Tessa, Allison, Jessica)
Tatum Anderson & Sarah Thiner (Skyler, Tanner, Darian, Triston, Kaden, Kayla) Ron & Nancy Carlsrud Victoria Cease Lorraine Crouch Diane Dailey Tom Ehrichs Marian Fargen Diane Gerlach Drew & Jennifer Headrick (Connor, Fallyn, Tathan, Karter, & Ryker) Kevin & Shari Hammer (Sydney, Addyson, Tayten) Amy & [Mike] Hemmer Bob & Lee Ann Holmoe |
Kyle & Barb Johnson (Keri, Kayla)
Roxee Johnson Chad & Lori Kneebone (Nathan, Macy, Kody) Dean & Diana Larson Cindy Menning Travis & Heather Peper (Kennedy, Wrigley) Diane Peters Gordon & Brenda Pulscher *Jo Anne Ramsdell Scott and Kelly Ross (Brock) Clayton & [LeAnn] Schipper Karen Schipper Lacey Schipper & Cory Van Dyke (Cameron, Carson, Eleahna) Marlin & Deb Schrecengost |
Unit Leaders ~ Dean & Diana Larson
Lyle & Judy Baas
Jane Barthel Blake & Capri Bergjord (Bailey & Teague) Brian & Dianne Bergjord Chad & Tracie Bushkofsky (Morgan, Chase, Madison, Elaina, Hunter) Jerry & LeAnn Carr Gertrude Duffert Roger & Corrine Ehlers Jim & Cherie Eng Marvin & Loretta Entringer Mike & [Peg] Fargen {Dan} & Leah Flute (Mila) Sharon Grafing Gwen Gullickson Tom & Laura Hagedorn (Justin, Bailey, Tomi) Stacey & [Scott] Hunter (Rowden, Peyton) Warren & Marilyn Jackson |
Matt Johanson
Bev Jones Darlene Kenison Larry & Becki Landgren Lane & Sharon Miller Sandra & Phil Orlick (Alex, Morgan, Quinn) Lehni Otto (Micah, Rylah) Larry & [Lori] Peters (Owen, Olivia, Landon) Deb & [Dan] Quick Scott & Lani Ramsdell Vic & Zona Sanderson Andrea Solem Julie Taylor (Alexis, Jarrett) Wayne & Beverly Taylor Audrey Tollefson Rebecca Wiechers (Daniel, Kristin) |
Unit Leader ~ Donna Smith
Eric & Heather Beltman
Michael Blum (Leighton, Dawson) *Edith Christiansen Keith Dailey Beverly Eich Bill & Janna Ellingson Dean & Carla Harris Jeremy & Sadie Haugen (Justin, Tillie, Piper, Ian) Richard & Sharla Haugen (Ethan, Sara, Amanda, Eli) Brett & Kim Johanson (Kelly, Lane) Randy & Deb Johanson (Jacob, Bobby) Mike & Sally Johnson |
Helen Nass
Doug & Laura Peters (Braden, Kolby, Tyton) *Elaine Powers Clayton & Vicki Rentschler (Scott) Laurie Robertson Mary & [Lee] Rydell Becky Sayler (Megan, Brayden) Dave & Deb Schliinz Donna R Smith Michael & Mindy Smith (Chase, Joshua, Matthew) Mary Beth & [Dan] Sutton John & Elise Ulwelling |
Unit Leaders~ Greg & Marianne Kramer
Marc & Kari Burggraff (Allysa, Devon, Tison)
Richard & Cindy Drennen David & [Val] Ekern *Dean Ekern Sandy & [Kyle] Elenkiwich Kristen Erickson (Aden) Ryan & Stephanie Grengs (Kasen, Karly, Kamryn) Norman & *Marion Hammer Wes & Sandy Harris Samantha Headrick (Kennedy, Carson) Allen & [Jeanne] Larson Cathy Loehr (Thomas) Delores McKeown Michelle & [Chris] Nelson |
Marilyn Powers
Alison Ramsdell & Jason Unger (Otis & Felix) Jason [Tracey] Ramsdell (Jett, Nora) Todd & Lisa Sanderson (Kyle, Scott, Amy) Dale & Becky Schroeder Joan Scofield Vicki Solem Brendan & Wendy Streitz (Liam, Abe, Rona) Gene & Peggy Taylor (Amy) Nancy & Mike Taylor (Sawyer, Sloane, Hunter, Michael) Eric & [Emily] Taylor (Gabrielle, Maggie, Brooks, Cassie) *Vernon Thorson Dale Tjarks Sandy Wittrock |