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Jacob & Jessica Pulscher COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE
We are now using the CEB (Common English Bible). This change was approved after consultation with the Education Committee, the Worship Committee and the Church Council. Pastor Ramona has used this translation in previous congregations and the change from NRSV, which is an 11th grade reading level, to CEB, which is a 7th grade reading level, has resulted in better understanding of the scriptures when read in worship (7th grade reading level is more consistent with spoken English). The CEB is the work of scholars from over 24 different denominations. From their web page: A key goal of the translation team is to make the Bible accessible to a broad range of people; it’s written at a comfortable level for over half of all English readers. As the translators do their work, reading specialists working with seventy-seven reading groups from more than a dozen denominations review the texts to ensure a smooth and natural reading experience. Easy readability can enhance church worship and participation, and personal Bible study. It also encourages children and youth to discover the Bible for themselves, perhaps for the very first time. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please contact Pastor Ramona. |