Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Weekly Happenings
“Open to Serve a Loving Christ”
Included in our prayers this weekLinda Eng, Derek Gerlach, Cory Scofield, Vern Thorson, Hayley Hansen, Bruce Clark, Dee Hammer, Joan Scofield, Karen Lang, Dodie Frisbee, George Loehr, Norman Hammer, Edith Christiansen, Barry Tollefson, Audrey Tollefson and Vicki Rentschler.
All of our services members; Especially Brandon Peters, Dylan Erickson, David Eng, Nick Orlick & Bridget Flannery THANK YOU!Greeters: Heather & Eric Beltman and Carla Harris & Yancie Harris Reader: Sadie Haugen Coffee: Sadie Haugen Communion: Tate Hammer, Trevor Peters, & Tillie Haugen Pianist: Mary Beth Sutton Song Leader: Dan Sutton Sound board: Julie Relf & Baylee Hemmer Acolytes: Sydney Bennett & Hunter Bushkofsky THANK YOU: The Harvest Supper committee, Nancy, Lori and Larry and Diana, would like to thank everyone who brought bars; took orders and made deliveries; served and cleaned up; and bought meals. Thanks to Lori and Larry Peters for cooking the meat. Look to next week’s Happenings for results of this sale.
LET US CELEBRATE YOU! Let us know your (or your children or grandchildren) accomplishments: sports, honor roll, FFA, music and theater, and other school activities. Adults, you’re included too: promotions, certifications, and other acknowledgements. If you're proud of it, let us know!
COLLEGE STUDENTS: if you or your child are in college please let our secretary Beth know and include college address and home address. You can email Beth at [email protected] or our prayer partner for College Students Sandy Elenkiwich at “[email protected]”
NOON PRAYER: Livestreamed on the church Facebook page Monday - Thursday at noon. Join in a brief break in the weekday to stop and center yourself, while meditating on the scripture texts for the next Sunday.
COFFEE CONVERSATIONS: Tuesdays 10am. Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee and conversation! The quilters take a break for coffee and treats, and some lively conversation. Please drop in!
NEW MEMBER?? If there’s anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior’s Lutheran, please contact the church office, 9979-2186 or [email protected]. We’d be excited to welcome you into our church family!
VISITORS: Please fill out the tan, cross card in your pew! Have a SUGGESTION for council? Please put it in the suggestion box located on the counter in the fellowship hall.
COUNCIL MINUTES from past months are available on the ushers table in the fellowship hall. If they are not there check with the office.
DEADLINE NOTICE: HAPPENINGS need to be turned into the office by Wednesday before 11:30 in order to have them printed for Sunday services.
See below to download current Weekly Happenings
Click here to view previous Weekly Happenings: Past Weekly Happenings CONFIRMATION PICTURES: If anyone has pictures of the confirmation classes of 2009-2012, if you could provide the office with a copy, it would be greatly appreciated.
WELCA MEETING: will be held on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 at 10:00 A.M. At this meeting we will decide on our annual disbursements and other end-of-the year business. All OSLC women are members of the WELCA so please mark your calendars and plan to attend. We Need your input. If you aren’t able to attend, but have some suggestions, please call me 605-864-0321. Thank you! Hope to see you there. Sandy H., Pres. THANK YOU: to everyone who donated to our “NO BAKE BAKE SALE”. Those donations will be used for our annual disbursements and other expenses. The WELCA buys all of the kitchen supplies that are needed during the year also. If you haven’t donated yet and would like to, please note that there are envelopes available to use on the ushers table in the fellowship hall. You can put the envelope in the offering plate or mail it to the church. Thank you again for your donation! OSLC WELCA VETERANS PROGRAM: The Youth Group is hosting a veterans program on November 13th. The program starts at 6:00 with a meal and fellowship to follow. We would love to see all our veterans there, if you are a veteran and have not been contacted please let Lori Peters know @ (605) 864-0170, we don’t want to miss anyone. All are welcome to come and show our thanks and support to our military veterans.
Camp Sunday! November 10. Marti Knudsen, the director of NeSoDak, and a few staff members will be at worship to talk about summer camp. Summer camp can be such a transformative experience for kids, OSLC is committed to sending children and youth to camp. To support that commitment, there will be a camp scholarship fundraiser at coffee fellowship on Camp Sunday. There will be fresh homemade donuts and coffee. A freewill offering is appreciated. Join us for Bingo & Chili Cook-off on November 17th, 11am-1pm! Enjoy chili, cornbread & bars for $10. Bingo cards $5 each. Enter your chili for free! Prizes for Best Overall, Tongue Burner & Most Unique. Call Vicki at (605) 864-2004 or Sadie at (605) 201-2883 to enter. Don't miss out!
“THE CHOSEN” BIBLE STUDY: Join us November 3, for our last Bible study around the show The Chosen for the season. Tonight, 5-7pm. We’ll watch an episode while having soup and bars. Then we’ll have a discussion. You can call or text Vicki Rentschler (605-864-2004) or Sadie Haugen (605-201-2883) for more information. We are planning to start with the second season sometime in January, TBD.
MUFFIN MINISTRY: We have new dates! We're looking for muffin makers! Or people who like to drink coffee and chat while muffins bake. Check out the sign-up genius to see how you could help out if you're interested. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C4DA5AA2FA3FB6-50179112-muffin, Link will be on the main page of our website at http://www.oslcflandreau.org/ CHUCKLESSPELLCHECK CHURCH BULLETIN BLOOPERS · The outreach committee has enlisted twenty-five members to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church. · The third verse will be sung without musical accomplishment. · The agenda was adopted. The minutes were approved. The financial secretary gave a grief report. · Ushers will eat latecomers There are many ways to electronically give to OSLC. 1. Click Link above 2. Mobile phone app available called VANCO MOBILE. 3. Direct transfer from your bank directly to OSLC, FNBSF account 4919. We thank you for your continual support whether it is a one time or repeating gift. If you have questions, call the office during office hours, email oslcf.com or leave a message on the office phone. |
Volunteer / Donate
We are in search of sound board operators! It's easier than you think. We offer training, a rotating schedule of one -two times every two months, supportive staff and a true appreciation for your work. Before you say no, please talk to Beth in the office. We are in need of two family unit leaders to make contact members about helping with monthly church activities. i.e. reading, greeting, communion assistance, coffee servers.) Please talk to Diana or Beth for details. Attention, aspiring photographers! Capture the essence of worship and community events with your smartphone or other equipment. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just passionate about photography, we invite you to join our team. Your digital snapshots will help us document and celebrate these special moments. Share your talent and contribute to our community!
If you are someone who doesn’t mind reading, serving communion, singing, serving coffee, etc… on any given Sunday, please add your name to the list in the Fellowship Hall or let the office know with a quick call (997-2186) or e-mail ([email protected]). Thanks so much!
QUILTING: Everyone is welcome to join us quilt on Tuesday mornings, beginning at 9:00 am. No knowledge is needed. If you can tie your shoe, YOU can do it!
ALTAR GUILD is in need of additional members to help set up and clean up communion, fill candles and assist with other duties. You will be paired with an experienced member, responsible for 2-3 months a year. Please let the office or Diana, Todd, Lisa, Becky or Vicki R if you are interested. It takes less than an hour a week during your assigned month.
Quarters for Laundry with Love: This is an ongoing service project sponsored by the confirmation and pre-confirmation youth. Take one of the labeled pill bottles and as you get loose change, put the quarters in the bottle. When filled, bring back and place in the laundry soap container. We will periodically send the quarters to Church on the Street for their Laundry with Love nights.
Sound/video system operators needed: We are in continuous need of individuals/couples who will run the system. It is much easier than you think!! A training session is available; an instruction sheet leads you through every step. And we have mentors to sit beside you until you are comfortable. WE CAN’T project the service without someone running the computer. Let Becky Sayler, or the office know of your interest. Duties would be once a month or less.
BREADBASKET: The Breadbasket has a theme-based suggestion list for every month. All regular food and monetary donations are still happily accepted.
October: Canned pumpkin, canned cranberries, canned sweet potatoes If you are in need of food, bring your photo ID and official piece of mail with your name and address on it to the register. Open Thursdays from 1:30-5pm. Located at 202 E 2nd Ave. Flandreau. You can receive food once a month. Please like us on Facebook for updates and reminders. Breadbasket VOLUNTEERS Needed The Moody County is seeking volunteers to help on Thursdays. If you are interested, please contact Becky via Face-book or email at [email protected] Do you have extra produce? The Breadbasket loves to accept homegrown fruit and veggies. Their clients are always excited to see fresh produce in the boxes. The extras from your gardens can be dropped off at the Breadbasket on Thursdays (except the 5th Thursday) at 1pm.
ELCA World Hunger has been feeding people around the world and here at home for 50 years! Did you know that LWH doesn't receive synod funding? ELCA World Hunger's work is entirely supported by direct donations from individuals and congregations. To make a donation, designate "ELCA World Hunger" in the memo line, or on your offering envelope. Let's help feed the hungry!
MOODY COUNTY CARES: The Moody County Ministerial Association and Moody County Cares are working together along with the Breadbasket, Maynard's, and others to coordinate a response to the needs for food and other essentials by the people of Moody County. This effort will serve two groups of people: those who can't afford needed items such as food, soap, and laundry detergent, and those who can afford needed items but need to stay isolated for health reasons (seniors, immunocompromised, etc). You can Call, Text or Chat using 988 to contact the help center. You can also reach out to us on www.moodycountycares.com. If you would like to volunteer please visit www.moodycountycares.com.
THE FLIERS CLOSET is a collection of community donated items that are available to Flandreau students. We are currently accepting new or like new boy and girl sizes extra small to medium and women and men small sweatpants, as well as monetary donations. If you have questions, you can Email [email protected].
SEWERS to put material together Embroidery thread: 3 of each color Masking tape Flat sheets: New or used in good shape Monetary donations for batting |