THANK YOU The Quilting Ladies would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets for the quilt. The money raised will be used to sponsor young people at summer camp in 2024. The winner of the beautiful quilt was Carla Harris.
WELCA Meeting summary: November 13, 2024
No-Bake bake sale brought in $1,000. Love offering was $1,095
WELCA sent 68 school kits and 12 health kits in 2024.
There have been 7 funerals at OSLC. Rachel Circle will serve the next one.
Officers for 2025 are:
Chairman: Sandy Harris; Treasurer: Lisa Sanderson; Secretary: Nancy Carlsrud
Mission Action: Gwen Gullickson & Linda Meier
Kitchen coordinator: Diana Larson & Lisa Sanderson
Circle Calling Chair; JoAnn Clark
Circle Chair: Ruth; Diana Larson; Rachel: Gwen Gullickson; Deborah: Nancy Carlsrud
Upcoming Events:
Christmas potluck will be on December 19. All ladies are invited to come to the noon potluck. If you have to get back to work, leave when you have to. A business meeting will follow the meal.
Advent soup & sandwich suppers will be on Dec. 4, 11 and 18 at 5:30 followed by Advent services.
No-Bake bake sale brought in $1,000. Love offering was $1,095
WELCA sent 68 school kits and 12 health kits in 2024.
There have been 7 funerals at OSLC. Rachel Circle will serve the next one.
Officers for 2025 are:
Chairman: Sandy Harris; Treasurer: Lisa Sanderson; Secretary: Nancy Carlsrud
Mission Action: Gwen Gullickson & Linda Meier
Kitchen coordinator: Diana Larson & Lisa Sanderson
Circle Calling Chair; JoAnn Clark
Circle Chair: Ruth; Diana Larson; Rachel: Gwen Gullickson; Deborah: Nancy Carlsrud
Upcoming Events:
Christmas potluck will be on December 19. All ladies are invited to come to the noon potluck. If you have to get back to work, leave when you have to. A business meeting will follow the meal.
Advent soup & sandwich suppers will be on Dec. 4, 11 and 18 at 5:30 followed by Advent services.
Our Savior's WELCA
Executive Board
Secretary Treasurer Mission Action Circle Calling Chairman Kitchen Coordinators Deborah Chairman Rachel Chairmen Ruth Chairman |
Sandy Harris
Nancy Carlsrud Lisa Sanderson Gwen Gullickson Linda Meier JoAnn Clark Donna Smith Connie Hove Nancy Carlsrud Gwen Gullickson Diana Larson |
(605) 864-0321
(605) 864-8617 (605) 864-1729 (605) 997-3659/530-1938 (605) 997-2234/864-0703 (605) 997-2776/530-5598 (605) 809-7445 (605) 864-1000 (605) 864-1267 |
WELCA PURPOSE STATEMENT: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
WELCA BIBLE STUDY is the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall, unless otherwise noted. Pastor Ramona Hayes will lead the study, when possible, using the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. Please join us!
WELCA MEETING: will be held on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 at 10:00 A.M. At this meeting we will decide on our annual disbursements and other end-of-the year business. All OSLC women are members of the WELCA so please mark your calendars and plan to attend. We Need your input. If you aren’t able to attend, but have some suggestions, please call me 605-864-0321. Thank you! Hope to see you there. Sandy H., Pres.
THANK YOU: to everyone who donated to our “NO BAKE BAKE SALE”. Those donations will be used for our annual disbursements and other expenses. The WELCA buys all of the kitchen supplies that are needed during the year also. If you haven’t donated yet and would like to, please note that there are envelopes available to use on the ushers table in the fellowship hall. You can put the envelope in the offering plate or mail it to the church. Thank you again for your donation! OSLC WELCA
WELCA MEETING: will be held on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 at 10:00 A.M. At this meeting we will decide on our annual disbursements and other end-of-the year business. All OSLC women are members of the WELCA so please mark your calendars and plan to attend. We Need your input. If you aren’t able to attend, but have some suggestions, please call me 605-864-0321. Thank you! Hope to see you there. Sandy H., Pres.
THANK YOU: to everyone who donated to our “NO BAKE BAKE SALE”. Those donations will be used for our annual disbursements and other expenses. The WELCA buys all of the kitchen supplies that are needed during the year also. If you haven’t donated yet and would like to, please note that there are envelopes available to use on the ushers table in the fellowship hall. You can put the envelope in the offering plate or mail it to the church. Thank you again for your donation! OSLC WELCA
OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE will be held during the months of September & October. All donations will be appreciated by the many who benefit from our December distributions to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes marked “WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE” will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. You may place your envelope in the offering plate or you may send your donation to the church, OSLC WELCA, 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028. If writing out a check, please make it out to “OSLC WELCA” also please write in the memo area on the check NO BAKE BAKE SALE. Thank you for your donation!
WELCA MISSIONS: Our WELCA ladies are shipping 68 school kits and 20 health kits to Lutheran World Relief. Thanks to all who donated. Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier
THANK YOU to all of the ladies who came to our WELCA Guest Day Salad Luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 12. We are so glad you were able to attend. Thank you to all who made our Luncheon a special event, our guest speaker, Kassy Olson, who spoke on the genetic disease ALD that her family has, and to Ben Kulm & Florence Evans for their music & Pastor Ramona for giving devotions.
Also a big THANK YOU to the ladies who furnished food for the luncheon and the WELCA Executive Board ladies & others for serving. Thanks again! Sandy Harris, WELCA President
Also a big THANK YOU to the ladies who furnished food for the luncheon and the WELCA Executive Board ladies & others for serving. Thanks again! Sandy Harris, WELCA President
WELCA; FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE: the ladies are looking for donations of: Personal Care Kit:
• 1 light/mid-weight bath towel maximum 52×27", dark color recommended
• 2 bath size bars (4-5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
• 1 adult-size toothbrush in its original wrapping
• 1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
• 1 nail clippers, remove packaging
** All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn. Please leave supplies in the quilt room.
Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
• 1 light/mid-weight bath towel maximum 52×27", dark color recommended
• 2 bath size bars (4-5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
• 1 adult-size toothbrush in its original wrapping
• 1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
• 1 nail clippers, remove packaging
** All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn. Please leave supplies in the quilt room.
Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
OSLC Hosted 2024 WELCA Medary Conference Spring Gathering Saturday, April 6…We had 42 ladies attend. Registration started at 9:30 a.m with morning coffee & caramel rolls, hymn sing, Bible Study by Pastor Ramona & Pastor Alan Blankenfeld as guest speaker on Moody County Cares. Our charities were, Love Offering, the Breadbasket which donations came to $80 plus food & personal items. Our Silent Auction charity, Moody County Cares donations came to $819. Lunch was served & afterwards a business meeting was held. Afternoon coffee & bars were served. A big THANK YOU to the workers from OSLC WELCA Executive Board. It was a day of fellowship & learning more about our Medary Conference Women of the ELCA.
WELCA MEDARY CONFERENCE AT OSLC Our Medary Conference Spring Gathering will take place at our church on Saturday, April 6. Here are some of the details… (1) Registration – 9:30 a.m. – cost $12 includes morning & afternoon coffees & lunch… (2) Love offering donations of canned food, personal care items & toiletries or monetary gifts will go to our local Breadbasket… (3) Silent Auction – donations collected from the bidding of these items will go to Moody County Cares… (4) Shepherds Shop will have books, cards, etc. to sell. Please bring some items or monetary gift for our charities. Pastor Ramona will be doing a Bible Study & Pastor Alan will give us information about Moody County Cares. It’s a fun day of fellowship & learning more about our Medary Conference Women of the ELCA. See you there.
Women of ELCA (WELCA) DID YOU KNOW that Our Savior’s Lutheran WELCA
a. Serves funerals and furnishes cakes/bars & coffee
b. Buys all of the paper products, coffee, etc. for the use in the kitchen
c. Makes & gives quilts to missions both local & world & to all of our High School Graduates
d. Hosts a Guest Day Salad Luncheon for ALL community ladies
e. Donates WELCA offerings from our Love Offering in February, No Bake Bake Sale in the Fall, other Free-will offerings and from our monthly Bible Study & WELCA meetings for both local and other missions.
f. Collects other donated items for Synod/Conference missions
g. Gives Christmas cards/gifts to our members & others who are shut-ins
h. Attend Medary Conference Spring & Fall Gatherings & South Dakota Synodical Annual Conventions of the WELCA
i. Many other things
a. Serves funerals and furnishes cakes/bars & coffee
b. Buys all of the paper products, coffee, etc. for the use in the kitchen
c. Makes & gives quilts to missions both local & world & to all of our High School Graduates
d. Hosts a Guest Day Salad Luncheon for ALL community ladies
e. Donates WELCA offerings from our Love Offering in February, No Bake Bake Sale in the Fall, other Free-will offerings and from our monthly Bible Study & WELCA meetings for both local and other missions.
f. Collects other donated items for Synod/Conference missions
g. Gives Christmas cards/gifts to our members & others who are shut-ins
h. Attend Medary Conference Spring & Fall Gatherings & South Dakota Synodical Annual Conventions of the WELCA
i. Many other things
WELCA LOVE OFFERING: Each year in February (the “LOVE” month) the WELCA ladies of OSLC hand out envelopes for our LOVE OFFERING donations which is given to local missions such as The Breadbasket, Team of Angels, Ministerial Association, Wholeness Center & Weekend Fuel (weekend meals for school students). All these organizations are in Flandreau and serve our area. So we are asking you to show your “Love” to them by generously donating. For your convenience, you will find an envelope for your donation in the fellowship hall. If writing a check, please be sure to make it payable to “OSLC WELCA”. Please place it in the Sunday offering or mail it to the church office at 505 S. Wind St, Flandreau, SD 57028, marked “OSLC WELCA”. You may also use your own envelope & mail it to the church address & mark it “WELCA Love Offering”. Thank you for your generosity!
WELCA CIRCLE LISTING (BOOK): Our 2024 WELCA books are completed and available for you to take home with you today. You will find them in the Fellowship Hall & the Sunday School unit. The WELCA books will NOT be sent out so please be sure to pick one up. It will not have your name on the front cover. This listing will include the names & phone numbers of each Circle’s members & the time that we will meet together for Bible Study. WELCA business meetings will be held when needed. If your phone number is not correct, please call your Circle Chairman or Sandy Harris to update it. Thank you! WELCA Executive Board
WELCA Christmas potluck and meeting, was held on December 14, 2023.
14 women attended the Christmas potluck and meeting. The executive board served the lunch.
There were 9 funerals at OSLC in 2023; 8 members and 1 non-member.
22 personal care kits and 8 school kits were assembled by WELCA members.
Annuals disbursements; each group will be given $90 with the exception of the following: Feeding SD and FIS Ministries will receive $180 and our Thank Offering will stay the same as last year at $300. Memorial to Bethel Lutheran Home in Madison will stay the same as in the past at $50 per deceased WELCA member. For 2023 it is 6 X $50 for a total of $300. Money from the quilt raffle will be given to camperships.
Officers for the 2024 year are Chairman: Sandy Harris, Secretary: Nancy Carlsrud, Treasurer: Lisa Sanderson, Mission Action: Gwen Gullickson & Linda Meier, Kitchen coordinators: Diana Larson & Lisa Sanderson, Circle Calling Chair: JoAnn Clark, Circle chairman, Deborah Circle: Nancy Carlsrud, Rachel Circle: Gwen Gullickson, Ruth Circle: Diana Larson.
Bible Study will begin in January. All Circles will meet together on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30. Pastor Ramona will lead the studies when possible. WELCA meetings will be held as needed after the Bible Study. This will be announced in the Happenings.
Copies of the WELCA booklets will be available sometime in January. They can be picked up after church or at the church office. New members will be added when they join and will receive a booklet.
The WELCA Spring Gathering will be held here at OSLC in April.
A date for cleaning the kitchen will be announced soon. All will be invited to help with this project
After the meeting 22 Christmas candy and monetary gifts were delivered to shut-ins and OSLC staff.
14 women attended the Christmas potluck and meeting. The executive board served the lunch.
There were 9 funerals at OSLC in 2023; 8 members and 1 non-member.
22 personal care kits and 8 school kits were assembled by WELCA members.
Annuals disbursements; each group will be given $90 with the exception of the following: Feeding SD and FIS Ministries will receive $180 and our Thank Offering will stay the same as last year at $300. Memorial to Bethel Lutheran Home in Madison will stay the same as in the past at $50 per deceased WELCA member. For 2023 it is 6 X $50 for a total of $300. Money from the quilt raffle will be given to camperships.
Officers for the 2024 year are Chairman: Sandy Harris, Secretary: Nancy Carlsrud, Treasurer: Lisa Sanderson, Mission Action: Gwen Gullickson & Linda Meier, Kitchen coordinators: Diana Larson & Lisa Sanderson, Circle Calling Chair: JoAnn Clark, Circle chairman, Deborah Circle: Nancy Carlsrud, Rachel Circle: Gwen Gullickson, Ruth Circle: Diana Larson.
Bible Study will begin in January. All Circles will meet together on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30. Pastor Ramona will lead the studies when possible. WELCA meetings will be held as needed after the Bible Study. This will be announced in the Happenings.
Copies of the WELCA booklets will be available sometime in January. They can be picked up after church or at the church office. New members will be added when they join and will receive a booklet.
The WELCA Spring Gathering will be held here at OSLC in April.
A date for cleaning the kitchen will be announced soon. All will be invited to help with this project
After the meeting 22 Christmas candy and monetary gifts were delivered to shut-ins and OSLC staff.
WELCA MEETING…Thursday, Nov. 9 at 1:30 p.m. We will be having a WELCA business meeting on that day to discuss the year- end business that needs to be decided. It will include our annual disbursements to missions, Christmas potluck, etc. and 2024 WELCA handbook and the corrections to it, 2024 officers and other business. Please plan to attend and bring your 2023 WELCA handbook with you to the meeting. Thank you! Sandy H., Pres.
Ladies from all Moody County churches are invited to attend our Guest Day Luncheon. Ladies who are on their noon lunch hour from work will be able to be served first so please come even if you are at your job. Please plan to attend & invite your friends & neighbors. There will be a speaker from the Moody County Ministerial Association and Charlie Hoffman of Flandreau will entertain us.
Thank you! WELCA Executive Board. See you there!
Ladies from all Moody County churches are invited to attend our Guest Day Luncheon. Ladies who are on their noon lunch hour from work will be able to be served first so please come even if you are at your job. Please plan to attend & invite your friends & neighbors. There will be a speaker from the Moody County Ministerial Association and Charlie Hoffman of Flandreau will entertain us.
Thank you! WELCA Executive Board. See you there!
OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE will be held during the months of September & October. This will take the place of our Bake Sale/Bazaar that use to be held in November. Instead of baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distributions to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes marked “WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE” will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. You may place your envelope in the offering plate or you may send your donation to the church, OSLC WELCA, 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028. If writing out a check, please make it out to “OSLC WELCA” also please write in the memo area on the check NO BAKE BAKE SALE. Thank you for your donation!
OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE will be held during the months of September & October. This will take the place of our Bake Sale/Bazaar that use to be held in November. Instead of baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distributions to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes marked “WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE” will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. You may place your envelope in the offering plate or you may send your donation to the church, OSLC WELCA, 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028. If writing out a check, please make it out to “OSLC WELCA” also please write in the memo area on the check NO BAKE BAKE SALE. Thank you for your donation!
WELCA CORRECTION: The Fall Gathering for the Medary Conference WELCA will not be until October 10th at Arlington, not Sept. 19th as stated in the last WELCA meeting minutes. More details on the Fall Gathering to follow. Sorry about the mix up! Thanks.
WELCA Meeting Summary: for Thursday July 20, 2023 There is $2540 in the WELCA checking account as of 7-20-23. Bills to be paid for supplies in the kitchen will bring the balance to approximately $2400. $1,125 was received for the Love offering. $217 was dispersed to each of the local charities on the WELCA list. Items for school kits are now being gathered. The list of supplies needed is in the Happenings. WELCA has served 5 funerals so far in 2023. Pastor Ramona reported that the Ministerial Association is getting started up agin. The contingency fund WELCA had set up for those in need of assistance has not been used. It was decided to give that amount of the contingency fund to the Ministerial Association for this year only. The WELCA Treasurer will look up the exact amount. Pastor is going to Riverview and Edgewood once a month for visitation. Helpers from the Circles are not need to go with her at this time. Guest Day is set for Sept. 14, 2023 starting at noon. All women from the area will be invited to the salad luncheon. The fall gathering for Medary Conference WELCA will be on Sept 19, 2023 in Arlington. OSLC WELCA will host the spring gathering in Flandreau on April 24, 2024.
WELCA CIRCLE LISTING (BOOK) Our 2023 WELCA books are completed and available for you to take home. Contact the office if you need one. The WELCA books will NOT be sent out so please be sure to pick one up. This listing will include the names & phone numbers of each Circle’s members as well as the day & time that they will meet. WELCA business meetings will be held when needed. Thank you! WELCA Executive Board
WELCA MISSIONS: for the month of August the ladies are continuing to look for donations of a: School Kit:
Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college-ruled, no loose-paper
1 blunt scissors
1 (30cm) metric ruler or ruler 1 pencil sharpener
1 eraser approximately 21/2 " long.
5 new, unsharpened # 2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink) secured with rubber band
1 box of 16 or 24 crayons
1 sturdy (14 x 17 inch) drawstring backpack
Please leave supplies in the quilt room.
Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college-ruled, no loose-paper
1 blunt scissors
1 (30cm) metric ruler or ruler 1 pencil sharpener
1 eraser approximately 21/2 " long.
5 new, unsharpened # 2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink) secured with rubber band
1 box of 16 or 24 crayons
1 sturdy (14 x 17 inch) drawstring backpack
Please leave supplies in the quilt room.
Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
WELCA for the month of June the ladies are looking for donations of: Personal Care Kit:
• 1 light/mid-weight bath towel maximum 52×27", dark color recommended
• 2 bath size bars (4-5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
• 1 adult-size toothbrush in its original wrapping
• 1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
• 1 nail clippers, remove packaging
** All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn. Please leave supplies in the quilt room. Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
• 1 light/mid-weight bath towel maximum 52×27", dark color recommended
• 2 bath size bars (4-5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping
• 1 adult-size toothbrush in its original wrapping
• 1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
• 1 nail clippers, remove packaging
** All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn. Please leave supplies in the quilt room. Gwenda Gullickson, WELCA Missions
WELCA Minutes Summary for Thursday November 17, 2022
The “No-Bake Bake Sale” brought in $1422.
After much discussion on disbursements, and what balance is needed to carry over to the new year, the suggestion was made to disburse the same amount as last year which was $3,000. The final decision on disbursements will be made at the December meeting. JoAnn Clark reported there have been 7 funerals this year at OSLC. For guest day we served 70-75 women. Offering was $350 which was given to the Bread Basket.
*Circle Bible Study will be on the 3rd Thursday of the month
at 10:30. Pastor Ramona Hayes will lead the study.
All officers agreed to remain in office for the new year with the exception of Gwen Gullickson becoming the circle chairperson. JoAnn Clark will remain as the calling committee chairperson.
*The WELCA Christmas potluck will be on Thursday Dec. 8. The executive board will be in charge serving and clean-up.
*Healthy snack will be packaged up and taken to our shut-ins and to our church staff.
Correction were made to be included in the new 2023 WELCA booklet.
New members were added; Kyra Steinberg and Erin Walstead added to Ruth Circle, Crystal Sherman and Elaine Pederson added to Deborah Circle, and Jaycie Pulscher and Amber Hoffman were added to Rachel Circle.
Next meeting will be on Thursday December 8 following the noon potluck.
The “No-Bake Bake Sale” brought in $1422.
After much discussion on disbursements, and what balance is needed to carry over to the new year, the suggestion was made to disburse the same amount as last year which was $3,000. The final decision on disbursements will be made at the December meeting. JoAnn Clark reported there have been 7 funerals this year at OSLC. For guest day we served 70-75 women. Offering was $350 which was given to the Bread Basket.
*Circle Bible Study will be on the 3rd Thursday of the month
at 10:30. Pastor Ramona Hayes will lead the study.
All officers agreed to remain in office for the new year with the exception of Gwen Gullickson becoming the circle chairperson. JoAnn Clark will remain as the calling committee chairperson.
*The WELCA Christmas potluck will be on Thursday Dec. 8. The executive board will be in charge serving and clean-up.
*Healthy snack will be packaged up and taken to our shut-ins and to our church staff.
Correction were made to be included in the new 2023 WELCA booklet.
New members were added; Kyra Steinberg and Erin Walstead added to Ruth Circle, Crystal Sherman and Elaine Pederson added to Deborah Circle, and Jaycie Pulscher and Amber Hoffman were added to Rachel Circle.
Next meeting will be on Thursday December 8 following the noon potluck.
OSLC WELCA Christmas Potluck and Meeting MINUTES The event was held on Thursday December 8, 2022.
Gwen Gullickson reported that all quilt donations, and the number of kits that were put together will be in the 2022 annual report of OSLC.
It was decided that the amounts for disbursement and the agencies to receive them will remain the same as last year. It was also decided to set up a contingency fund using some of the money from the Love offering that could be used to help people out in an emergency. This will be coordinated by the pastor and the current WELCA treasurer.
Circle Bible study will begin in January. All circles will meet together on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30. Pastor Ramona will lead the study when possible, using the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. 2023 WELCA meetings will be held as needed after the Bible Study. This will be announced in the Happenings.
WELCA booklets will be done the same as last year. Copies will be available for everyone to pick up after church or from the office starting in January. New members will be added when they join OSLC and will receive a copy of the booklet at that time.
No Riverview communion visits are scheduled at this time but Pastor Ramona will check on resuming the monthly service and on individual visits with residents.
Gwen Gullickson reported that all quilt donations, and the number of kits that were put together will be in the 2022 annual report of OSLC.
It was decided that the amounts for disbursement and the agencies to receive them will remain the same as last year. It was also decided to set up a contingency fund using some of the money from the Love offering that could be used to help people out in an emergency. This will be coordinated by the pastor and the current WELCA treasurer.
Circle Bible study will begin in January. All circles will meet together on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30. Pastor Ramona will lead the study when possible, using the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. 2023 WELCA meetings will be held as needed after the Bible Study. This will be announced in the Happenings.
WELCA booklets will be done the same as last year. Copies will be available for everyone to pick up after church or from the office starting in January. New members will be added when they join OSLC and will receive a copy of the booklet at that time.
No Riverview communion visits are scheduled at this time but Pastor Ramona will check on resuming the monthly service and on individual visits with residents.
THANK YOU to all who have donated to our Annual WELCA “NO BAKE BAKE SALE”. So far we have received $1229. These donations will be distributed to our missions that we give to at the end of each year. The list of who receive these donations will be in our church 2022 Annual Report which will be given out before our Annual meeting usually held in January.
Will be held at Oldham Lutheran Church, Oldham, SD. Theme: Reaping the Harvest
Registration ($10) and Coffee – 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study by Wanda Biel, Oldham Lutheran
Guest Speaker: Kingsbury County Ministerial Association; Lots of Laughs; Silent Auction proceeds will go to Kingsbury County Ministerial Association.
Fellowship coffee at 3:00 p.m.
We will carpool leaving from the church at 8:00 a.m. Please plan to attend! See you then. Sandy H., WELCA Pres.
Will be held at Oldham Lutheran Church, Oldham, SD. Theme: Reaping the Harvest
Registration ($10) and Coffee – 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study by Wanda Biel, Oldham Lutheran
Guest Speaker: Kingsbury County Ministerial Association; Lots of Laughs; Silent Auction proceeds will go to Kingsbury County Ministerial Association.
Fellowship coffee at 3:00 p.m.
We will carpool leaving from the church at 8:00 a.m. Please plan to attend! See you then. Sandy H., WELCA Pres.
WELCA Bible Study on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 10:30 am
Thursday, Sept. 8th @ 12:00
All area ladies are invited to attend our Annual WELCA Guest Day Salad Luncheon starting at 12:00 noon on Thursday, Sept 8th. Our guest speaker this year will be Judy Jones representative of “The Breadbasket”. Entertainment will be Libby Heinemann and Florence Evans.
Please come & join us in enjoying good food, fun & friendship! See you then! OSLC WELCA
Thursday, Sept. 8th @ 12:00
All area ladies are invited to attend our Annual WELCA Guest Day Salad Luncheon starting at 12:00 noon on Thursday, Sept 8th. Our guest speaker this year will be Judy Jones representative of “The Breadbasket”. Entertainment will be Libby Heinemann and Florence Evans.
Please come & join us in enjoying good food, fun & friendship! See you then! OSLC WELCA
welca_mtg_min_6_5_2022.pdf | |
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Summary of WELCA Meeting June 5, 2022:
-Circle Bible Study will resume with Pastor Wayne leading the Bible studies on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30. We will use the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. First study was on June 16th. The next Bible study will be on July 21st at 10:30 using the Bible study from the July/August Gather magazine. Copies of the study are available in the magazine rack inside the Ed. Unit if you do not receive the Gather Magazine.
-Discussion on WELCA meetings was held. Sandy Harris suggested that we have officers meetings with minutes
written up for everyone. Anyone can attend. A motion was made and seconded to let the executive board set meetings’ date and time and to make WELCA decisions for our group. The meetings will be open to all women of our church. Minutes will be made available to all. Motion carried.
-Lefse will not be made for the 4th of July event this year. It was decided that we will make lefse later in the fall with orders taken for lefse from our congregation.
-We will have Guest Day in September.
-There will be a notice in the Happenings that WELCA offering can be put in the offering plate, left at the church office or sent in to the church office. Be sure that it is marked that it is for WELCA.
-Discussion was held on getting a dishwasher and on the use of using our Correll plates and cups instead of using paper and styrofoam products. Information on the possibility of installing a dishwasher needs to be researched first.
-Circle Bible Study will resume with Pastor Wayne leading the Bible studies on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30. We will use the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. First study was on June 16th. The next Bible study will be on July 21st at 10:30 using the Bible study from the July/August Gather magazine. Copies of the study are available in the magazine rack inside the Ed. Unit if you do not receive the Gather Magazine.
-Discussion on WELCA meetings was held. Sandy Harris suggested that we have officers meetings with minutes
written up for everyone. Anyone can attend. A motion was made and seconded to let the executive board set meetings’ date and time and to make WELCA decisions for our group. The meetings will be open to all women of our church. Minutes will be made available to all. Motion carried.
-Lefse will not be made for the 4th of July event this year. It was decided that we will make lefse later in the fall with orders taken for lefse from our congregation.
-We will have Guest Day in September.
-There will be a notice in the Happenings that WELCA offering can be put in the offering plate, left at the church office or sent in to the church office. Be sure that it is marked that it is for WELCA.
-Discussion was held on getting a dishwasher and on the use of using our Correll plates and cups instead of using paper and styrofoam products. Information on the possibility of installing a dishwasher needs to be researched first.
WELCA BIBLE STUDY has resumed. Pastor Wayne will be leading a Bible study for all circles on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us! Pres. Sandy Harris
Next date is July 21, 2022 at 10:30 am. Mark your calendar!
Next date is July 21, 2022 at 10:30 am. Mark your calendar!
Until further notice, NO WELCA CIRCLE meetings or Bible studies. (February 2, 2022)
WELCA CIRCLE LISTING (BOOK): Our 2022 WELCA books are completed and available for you to take home with you today. You will find them in the Fellowship Hall. This year the WELCA books will not be sent out so please be sure to pick one up. It will not have your name on the front cover so just take a copy. This listing will include the names & phone numbers of each Circle's members as well as the day & time that they will meet. Thank You! WELCA Executive Board
WELCA CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY MEETINGS: Our circle Bible Study meetings will begin in January! Rachel and Ruth Circles will meet on the 3rd THURSDAY of each month and the Deborah Circle will meet on the 3rd FRIDAY of each month.
If you are unable to attend the meeting of your designated Circle, please feel free to attend the other Circle meeting. The Bible Study will be based on the "Gather" magazine, if you do not have a subscription to the "Gather" magazine there will be a copy of the study for you in the Educational Unit in the book rack across from the church office. Hope to see you there. Sandy H., President
If you are unable to attend the meeting of your designated Circle, please feel free to attend the other Circle meeting. The Bible Study will be based on the "Gather" magazine, if you do not have a subscription to the "Gather" magazine there will be a copy of the study for you in the Educational Unit in the book rack across from the church office. Hope to see you there. Sandy H., President
WELCA met for a Christmas potluck and meeting on Dec. 16, 2021. Afterwards candy was distributed to shut-ins from our church.
Reminders: 1) 2022 WELCA meetings will be after church the 1st Sun in May and Aug; 2nd Thu. in Nov & Dec at 2:00. 2) Circle Bible study will begin in Jan. Ruth & Rachel circles will meet on the 3rd Thu at 2:00, Deborah circle on the 3rd Fri at 9 am. Please feel free to attend whichever of the Bible study times fits your schedule. 3) WELCA booklets for circle members will be available to be picked up after church starting on Jan. 9. No booklets will be mailed out.
4) Due to Covid there are no Riverview communion visits scheduled at this time.
Upcoming Event: A kitchen cleaning day will be scheduled in January.
Reminders: 1) 2022 WELCA meetings will be after church the 1st Sun in May and Aug; 2nd Thu. in Nov & Dec at 2:00. 2) Circle Bible study will begin in Jan. Ruth & Rachel circles will meet on the 3rd Thu at 2:00, Deborah circle on the 3rd Fri at 9 am. Please feel free to attend whichever of the Bible study times fits your schedule. 3) WELCA booklets for circle members will be available to be picked up after church starting on Jan. 9. No booklets will be mailed out.
4) Due to Covid there are no Riverview communion visits scheduled at this time.
Upcoming Event: A kitchen cleaning day will be scheduled in January.
OSLC WELCA Meeting on November 18, 2021
TREASURER’S REPORT: Income from no-bake bake sale was $1,351.00. Money received from funerals was $2,450.00. Nov. income was $390 for a balance of $4,235.70.
Mission Chair reports: Quilts were given to 7 seniors; 9 personal care kits and 41 school kits were sent.
Circle chair report: WELCA has served 8 funerals this year receiving $2,450.
Old Business:
*Guest day report: 51 attended
*Circle Bible Study will start up again in Jan. We still want to have 2 times available for women from any of the Circles to attend. One at 2:00 on the 3rd Thu and one on the 3rd Fri at 9 am.
*Circles will not be scheduled for communion services at the Manor in 2022. It will be in the Happenings whenever services will be set up.
Disbursements were discussed. The list of the disbursements will be given out at the next meeting.
New Business:
Officers for 2022 are as follows.
Chairman Sandy Harris
Secretary Nancy Carlsrud
Treasurer Lisa Sanderson
Mission Action Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier
Kitchen Coordinator Donna Smith and Connie Hove
Circle calling chairs Deborah - Nancy Carlsrud
Ruth - Diana Larson
Rachel Gwen Gullickson/JoAnn Clark
WELCA meetings will be in May and August after church on the 1st Sunday; in Nov. and Dec on the 2nd Thursday at 2:00.
*Christmas Potluck will be on Dec. 16 at noon. Deborah Circle will be in charge of serving and clean-up.
*This year we will buy boxes of candy and deliver to 30 shut-ins. Delivery will be after the potluck.
*Circle Booklets: For 2022 full booklets will be made for the executive board. Booklets with just the Circle member information will be available for women to pick up at the church after they are published in Jan or Feb.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Income from no-bake bake sale was $1,351.00. Money received from funerals was $2,450.00. Nov. income was $390 for a balance of $4,235.70.
Mission Chair reports: Quilts were given to 7 seniors; 9 personal care kits and 41 school kits were sent.
Circle chair report: WELCA has served 8 funerals this year receiving $2,450.
Old Business:
*Guest day report: 51 attended
*Circle Bible Study will start up again in Jan. We still want to have 2 times available for women from any of the Circles to attend. One at 2:00 on the 3rd Thu and one on the 3rd Fri at 9 am.
*Circles will not be scheduled for communion services at the Manor in 2022. It will be in the Happenings whenever services will be set up.
Disbursements were discussed. The list of the disbursements will be given out at the next meeting.
New Business:
Officers for 2022 are as follows.
Chairman Sandy Harris
Secretary Nancy Carlsrud
Treasurer Lisa Sanderson
Mission Action Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier
Kitchen Coordinator Donna Smith and Connie Hove
Circle calling chairs Deborah - Nancy Carlsrud
Ruth - Diana Larson
Rachel Gwen Gullickson/JoAnn Clark
WELCA meetings will be in May and August after church on the 1st Sunday; in Nov. and Dec on the 2nd Thursday at 2:00.
*Christmas Potluck will be on Dec. 16 at noon. Deborah Circle will be in charge of serving and clean-up.
*This year we will buy boxes of candy and deliver to 30 shut-ins. Delivery will be after the potluck.
*Circle Booklets: For 2022 full booklets will be made for the executive board. Booklets with just the Circle member information will be available for women to pick up at the church after they are published in Jan or Feb.
WELCA MEETING: OSLC WELCA will hold a meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18 at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the 2021 Annual Disbursements. An Executive Board meeting to discuss the booklet changes for 2022 will follow. Please bring your 2020 WELCA booklet to this meeting. Thank you, Sandy Harris, Pres.
November 7, 2021: Thank you to all the WELCA members who generously supported our “No Bake Sale” project this year! A total of $1,326 was received. These gifts will be shared with many organizations during our end of the year mission dispersal. Thank you for sharing! Dianne Bergjord, WELCA Treas.
October 31, 2021: OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE ends TODAY!
OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE will be held during the months of September & October this year. This will take the place of our Lefsa sale in July, and Bake Sale and Bazaar that use to be held in November. Instead of making lefsa, baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distributions to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes marked “WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE” will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. You may place your envelope in the offering plate or you may send your donation to the church, OSLC WELCA, 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028. If writing out a check, please make it out to “OSLC WELCA” also please write on the check NO BAKE BAKE SALE. Thank you for your donation!
October 31, 2021: OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE ends TODAY!
OSLC WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE will be held during the months of September & October this year. This will take the place of our Lefsa sale in July, and Bake Sale and Bazaar that use to be held in November. Instead of making lefsa, baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distributions to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes marked “WELCA NO BAKE BAKE SALE” will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. You may place your envelope in the offering plate or you may send your donation to the church, OSLC WELCA, 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028. If writing out a check, please make it out to “OSLC WELCA” also please write on the check NO BAKE BAKE SALE. Thank you for your donation!
Medary Conference WELCA Spring/Fall Gathering
OSLC WELCA is invited to attend the Medary Conference Gathering on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 at Lake Campbell Lutheran Church (46610 219th St., Volga, SD).
Registration & Coffee 8:30 am,
Meeting 9 am – 3:30 pm
Cost - $12.00 (includes lunch)
Bible Study led by Pastor Jackie Braun.
Speaker – Pastor Alan Blankenfeld of the Moody County 211 Service (Moody County Cares)
Silent Auction to Benefit “211 Service”.
If interested in attending & car pool, please contact Sandy Harris (864-0321).
OSLC WELCA is invited to attend the Medary Conference Gathering on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 at Lake Campbell Lutheran Church (46610 219th St., Volga, SD).
Registration & Coffee 8:30 am,
Meeting 9 am – 3:30 pm
Cost - $12.00 (includes lunch)
Bible Study led by Pastor Jackie Braun.
Speaker – Pastor Alan Blankenfeld of the Moody County 211 Service (Moody County Cares)
Silent Auction to Benefit “211 Service”.
If interested in attending & car pool, please contact Sandy Harris (864-0321).
THANK YOU to all of the ladies who came to our WELCA Guest Day Salad Luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 9. 2021. We are so glad you were able to attend. Thank you to all who made our Luncheon a special event. Our speaker, Bekah Aisenbrey from the Boys & Girls Club, Pam Rorvik-Albers for her special music & Pastor Alan for giving devotions. Also a big THANK YOU to the ladies who furnished food for the luncheon and the WELCA Executive Board ladies for serving. Thanks again! Sandy Harris, WELCA President
SD Synodical WELCA Business/Leadership Event
Will be held on August 28, 2021 at New Home Lutheran Church in Mitchell, SD. The theme is "We Are Called". It will be in person and virtual from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $10. For further information & to register, please contact - Darla Toben, 47906 171st St., Clear Lake, SD 57226 or [email protected] or call 605-880-3506
Will be held on August 28, 2021 at New Home Lutheran Church in Mitchell, SD. The theme is "We Are Called". It will be in person and virtual from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $10. For further information & to register, please contact - Darla Toben, 47906 171st St., Clear Lake, SD 57226 or [email protected] or call 605-880-3506
August 22, 2021 - WELCA SCHOOL KITS
There is a collection box in the Fellowship Hall for school kits. They are in need as we approach the school year.
A school kit consists of :
· 4 70 sheet notebooks wide or college rule, no loose leaf
· 1 blunt scissors
· 1 (30 cm metric ruler or ruler)
· One pencil sharpener
· One 2” eraser
· 5 new unsharpened pencils; secure together by rubber band
· 5 ballpoint pens (not gel); secure together with rubber band
· 1 box of 16 or 24 count crayons
· 1 sturdy drawstring bag
There is a collection box in the Fellowship Hall for school kits. They are in need as we approach the school year.
A school kit consists of :
· 4 70 sheet notebooks wide or college rule, no loose leaf
· 1 blunt scissors
· 1 (30 cm metric ruler or ruler)
· One pencil sharpener
· One 2” eraser
· 5 new unsharpened pencils; secure together by rubber band
· 5 ballpoint pens (not gel); secure together with rubber band
· 1 box of 16 or 24 count crayons
· 1 sturdy drawstring bag
WELCA mtg held after church on June 20, 2021 summary:
Discussion was held on whether or not WELCA should furnish cakes for funerals at OSLC again. It was voted to have women from OSLC furnish cakes or bars for funerals in our church. How to serve lunch was discussed. It was decided to have workers help serve from the window like we did for Lenten suppers this past year and to have plates of cake on the tables. There was a discussion on having or not having guest day this fall. A motion was made and seconded to have guest day in September. Motion carried
Discussion was held on whether or not WELCA should furnish cakes for funerals at OSLC again. It was voted to have women from OSLC furnish cakes or bars for funerals in our church. How to serve lunch was discussed. It was decided to have workers help serve from the window like we did for Lenten suppers this past year and to have plates of cake on the tables. There was a discussion on having or not having guest day this fall. A motion was made and seconded to have guest day in September. Motion carried
OSLC WELCA Executive Board met on Dec. 9, 2020
Updates to the Circle books were discussed. It was decided that no new books will be printed for 2021.
A subscription to the Gather Magazine will be purchased by WELCA. It will be at the church for anyone that wants to use it. If you borrow it, please return it to the church so it is available for others to use.
Disbursements were discussed. An anonymous donor has given money to WELCA to be used to help with fulfilling our commitment for disbursements to our list of charitable groups. The Love offering amount of $1271 has already been distributed to local charities; the Breadbasket, Wholeness Center, Moody County Ministerial Assn, Team of Angels and the Weekend Fuel program.
The Thank Offering is sent to the Synod office for disbursement,.
WELCA is giving to the Bethel Home memorials this year in memory of Connie Peper, Dorothy Pulscher, Shirley Hahn, Diane Johnson and Betty Armstrong.
Since the Circles have not been able to meet during the Covid pandemic, the offering amounts have been greatly reduced for 2020. We still have commitments to charitable groups that rely on support from groups such as ours. So ladies of OSLC, if you can, please give an offering to OSLC Circles. It can be sent to the office or left in the offering basket labeled for WELCA. Thank you!
21 school kits were made and 46 quilts were given out locally: 7 to fire victims, 5 to high school seniors, 16 to Sleep In Heavenly Peace, 18 to Helping Kids Round First.
Holiday trays of goodies that annually are given to our shut-ins and some others were discussed. Because of the Covid pandemic it was decided that we should not do the trays for this year; instead send Christmas greeting cards.
Stay safe and healthy!
Updates to the Circle books were discussed. It was decided that no new books will be printed for 2021.
A subscription to the Gather Magazine will be purchased by WELCA. It will be at the church for anyone that wants to use it. If you borrow it, please return it to the church so it is available for others to use.
Disbursements were discussed. An anonymous donor has given money to WELCA to be used to help with fulfilling our commitment for disbursements to our list of charitable groups. The Love offering amount of $1271 has already been distributed to local charities; the Breadbasket, Wholeness Center, Moody County Ministerial Assn, Team of Angels and the Weekend Fuel program.
The Thank Offering is sent to the Synod office for disbursement,.
WELCA is giving to the Bethel Home memorials this year in memory of Connie Peper, Dorothy Pulscher, Shirley Hahn, Diane Johnson and Betty Armstrong.
Since the Circles have not been able to meet during the Covid pandemic, the offering amounts have been greatly reduced for 2020. We still have commitments to charitable groups that rely on support from groups such as ours. So ladies of OSLC, if you can, please give an offering to OSLC Circles. It can be sent to the office or left in the offering basket labeled for WELCA. Thank you!
21 school kits were made and 46 quilts were given out locally: 7 to fire victims, 5 to high school seniors, 16 to Sleep In Heavenly Peace, 18 to Helping Kids Round First.
Holiday trays of goodies that annually are given to our shut-ins and some others were discussed. Because of the Covid pandemic it was decided that we should not do the trays for this year; instead send Christmas greeting cards.
Stay safe and healthy!
September 2019
MISSION KITS: September mission kits are the Baby Care Kits, those items needed are:
X 2 light weight cotton t-shirts
X 2 long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet)
X 2 receiving blankets medium weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn (up to 52” square)
X 4 cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
X 2 diaper pins or large safety pins
X 1 sweater or sweatshirt with hood or baby cap
X 2 pairs of socks
X One hand towel dark color recommended
X 2 bath-size bars (4-5 oz.) of gentle soap, in its original wrapping
**** Gently used, clean items can be substituted for new ones. Wrap all articles in one of the receiving blankets and secure with diaper pins. Do not enclose the kit or any of its contents in plastic bags.
NO BAKE BAKE SALE: Our WELCA "NO BAKE BAKE SALE" will be held during the month of September. This will take the place of our Bake Sale and Bazaar that was usually held in November. Instead of baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distribution to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. Please place envelopes in the Sunday offering plate or mail to the church office at 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028 Thank you!
X 2 light weight cotton t-shirts
X 2 long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet)
X 2 receiving blankets medium weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn (up to 52” square)
X 4 cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
X 2 diaper pins or large safety pins
X 1 sweater or sweatshirt with hood or baby cap
X 2 pairs of socks
X One hand towel dark color recommended
X 2 bath-size bars (4-5 oz.) of gentle soap, in its original wrapping
**** Gently used, clean items can be substituted for new ones. Wrap all articles in one of the receiving blankets and secure with diaper pins. Do not enclose the kit or any of its contents in plastic bags.
NO BAKE BAKE SALE: Our WELCA "NO BAKE BAKE SALE" will be held during the month of September. This will take the place of our Bake Sale and Bazaar that was usually held in November. Instead of baking goodies and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated by many who benefit from our December distribution to Missions at the end of each year. Envelopes will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience. Please place envelopes in the Sunday offering plate or mail to the church office at 505 S. Wind St., Flandreau, SD 57028 Thank you!
August 8th 2019 WELCA Meeting Minutes
OSLC’s WELCA met on August 8, 2019.
There was discussion on where to distribute the quilts made by the quilting group. Ideas: to Kids Rounding First, or to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, or to Lutheran World Relief. The quilting group has made about 60 quilts. Motion was made and seconded to donate quilts to all 3 organizations that were discussed. Motion carried.
Ruth Circle is up next for serving a funeral.
Lefse report; 112 packages of lefse were sold for $8 per package
(4 pieces per package). Income was $1214 with expenses of
$422.93 leaving a profit of $841.07.
The Guest Day will be on Thursday, Sept. 12 starting at 12:00.
The general board will serve and work the luncheon. The speaker will be Pastor Alan Blankenfeld on “Moody County Cares”.
Each circle chair will call her circle to get 8 salads, 1½ dozen eggs made into deviled eggs, and 1 pan of bars. Other items are 8 doz parker
house rolls (Marlys Drewes), crackers (Gwen Gullickson), nuts & mints (Dianne Bergjord) napkins (JoAnn Clark)
A motion was made and seconded to donate $200 to the Banquet to help with purchasing meat. Their freezer quit so all of their meat was lost. Motion carried.
Envelopes for the No Bake Bake Sale will be passed out in September.
Upcoming Events:
*Deborah Circle meets on Thu. Aug. 22 9 am at the Riverview Apartments
*Guest Day Sept 12 at 12:00
*Fall Retreat at Badger, SD Sept 18. Car pool will leave from
OSLC at 8 am.
*Riverview Manor visit: Rachel Circle Tue. Sept 17 at 2:00.
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Sept. 19 at 1:30.
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Sept. 26. 9 am at the Riverview
*Riverview Manor visit, Deborah Circle Tue. Oct. 15 at 2:00
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Oct. 17 at 1:30
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Oct. 24. 9 am at the Riverview Apartments
*WELCA meeting Thu. Nov. 14 at 2:00
*Riverview Manor visit: Ruth Circle Tue. Nov. 19 at 2:00.
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Nov. 21 at 1:30
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Nov. 21. 9 am at the Riverview
There was discussion on where to distribute the quilts made by the quilting group. Ideas: to Kids Rounding First, or to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, or to Lutheran World Relief. The quilting group has made about 60 quilts. Motion was made and seconded to donate quilts to all 3 organizations that were discussed. Motion carried.
Ruth Circle is up next for serving a funeral.
Lefse report; 112 packages of lefse were sold for $8 per package
(4 pieces per package). Income was $1214 with expenses of
$422.93 leaving a profit of $841.07.
The Guest Day will be on Thursday, Sept. 12 starting at 12:00.
The general board will serve and work the luncheon. The speaker will be Pastor Alan Blankenfeld on “Moody County Cares”.
Each circle chair will call her circle to get 8 salads, 1½ dozen eggs made into deviled eggs, and 1 pan of bars. Other items are 8 doz parker
house rolls (Marlys Drewes), crackers (Gwen Gullickson), nuts & mints (Dianne Bergjord) napkins (JoAnn Clark)
A motion was made and seconded to donate $200 to the Banquet to help with purchasing meat. Their freezer quit so all of their meat was lost. Motion carried.
Envelopes for the No Bake Bake Sale will be passed out in September.
Upcoming Events:
*Deborah Circle meets on Thu. Aug. 22 9 am at the Riverview Apartments
*Guest Day Sept 12 at 12:00
*Fall Retreat at Badger, SD Sept 18. Car pool will leave from
OSLC at 8 am.
*Riverview Manor visit: Rachel Circle Tue. Sept 17 at 2:00.
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Sept. 19 at 1:30.
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Sept. 26. 9 am at the Riverview
*Riverview Manor visit, Deborah Circle Tue. Oct. 15 at 2:00
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Oct. 17 at 1:30
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Oct. 24. 9 am at the Riverview Apartments
*WELCA meeting Thu. Nov. 14 at 2:00
*Riverview Manor visit: Ruth Circle Tue. Nov. 19 at 2:00.
*Ruth & Rachel Circles meet on Thu. Nov. 21 at 1:30
*Deborah Circle Meets on Thu. Nov. 21. 9 am at the Riverview
WELCA MEETING will be held on Thursday, August 8 at 2:00.
MISSION KITS: July’s mission kit is the School Kit. Cinch bags provided for supplies on table in fellowship
Items needed include:
X Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college ruled, no loose leaf paper.
X 1 blunt scissor
X 1 (30cm) metric ruler or ruler
X 1 pencil sharpener
X 1 eraser approximately 21/2” long
X 5 new unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
X 5 ballpoint pens (no gel ink) secure together with rubberband
X 1 box of 16 or 24 crayons
Items needed include:
X Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college ruled, no loose leaf paper.
X 1 blunt scissor
X 1 (30cm) metric ruler or ruler
X 1 pencil sharpener
X 1 eraser approximately 21/2” long
X 5 new unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band
X 5 ballpoint pens (no gel ink) secure together with rubberband
X 1 box of 16 or 24 crayons
LEFSE MAKING: Saturday, June 22 and Monday, June 24
We have decided to make lefse two days this year. Plans are to make more because of the All-School Reunion & Flandreau‘s Sesquicentennial Celebration and sell on the 4th of July at the Museum Celebration. The schedule for BOTH DAYS is as follows: 8:00 a.m. peel, cook & rice potatoes, take a lunch break, then come back at 2:00 p.m. to roll & bake the lefse. If you want to stay rather than leaving for lunch, please bring your sack lunch. Sign-up sheets are on a table in the fellowship hall. Please save the dates and plan on helping. If you can’t be there at the starting times, please come when you can and for as long as you can. Thank you, Sandy H.
We have decided to make lefse two days this year. Plans are to make more because of the All-School Reunion & Flandreau‘s Sesquicentennial Celebration and sell on the 4th of July at the Museum Celebration. The schedule for BOTH DAYS is as follows: 8:00 a.m. peel, cook & rice potatoes, take a lunch break, then come back at 2:00 p.m. to roll & bake the lefse. If you want to stay rather than leaving for lunch, please bring your sack lunch. Sign-up sheets are on a table in the fellowship hall. Please save the dates and plan on helping. If you can’t be there at the starting times, please come when you can and for as long as you can. Thank you, Sandy H.
MISSION KITS: June’s mission kit is the Personal Care Kit. Items needed include:
-1 light/mid-weight towel maximum ‘52x27, dark color recommended
- 2 bath size bars (4-5oz.) of soap, any brand in its original wrapping,
-1 adult size toothbrush in its original wrapping
-1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
-1 nail clippers, remove package
** All items should be in new condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn.
Soap– LWR accepts new bars of any brand of soap, in their original wrapping. All bars are accepted; however, bath-size bars (4-5oz.) are highly preferred
-1 light/mid-weight towel maximum ‘52x27, dark color recommended
- 2 bath size bars (4-5oz.) of soap, any brand in its original wrapping,
-1 adult size toothbrush in its original wrapping
-1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
-1 nail clippers, remove package
** All items should be in new condition. Wrap smaller items in the towel and tie with a ribbon or yarn.
Soap– LWR accepts new bars of any brand of soap, in their original wrapping. All bars are accepted; however, bath-size bars (4-5oz.) are highly preferred
March 28th, 2019 WELCA MINUTES
OSLC WELCA met on Thursday March 28, 2019. Quilts were given to Wade Quick’s family and to a family in Flandreau after their house fires. Love offering was $1104. $300 was given to each of the following; the Bread Basket, Team of Angels, the Wholeness Center and the Ministerial Assn.
Diane Bergjord checked to see if there is a need for help through
the WELCA Lily Project at the Flandreau Emergency room. Yes there is for both men and women. There will be a basket in the quilt room to place new socks and underwear in a variety of sizes for women and men. A small tag will be made for each item with the WELCA logo on it.$100 will be given to help the Moody County Ministerial Association’s expenses when serving a meal at the Banquet on May 29th. People can call Jane Delay to sign to help. WELCA Circle changes: Deborah, added Aubrey Rose, Jolene Loiseau, Jody Barboza and Janna Ellingson. Ruth additions are Courtney Loiseau and Kiira Weber and Orin Tollefson added to the shut-in list. Rachel additions are Jenna Carr, and Leah Flute. The following were removed from membership, Lindsey Schoeberl, Brenda Pulscher Laurie Roberson and Bethany Thielsen.. Hope Grows, Lutheran Social Services, will have a dinner and program on May 18 at McGrory Gardens in Brookings. Cost is $10, RSVP by May 13.
Upcoming Events:
Discussion was held on our annual lefse making. It was decided to make lefse 2 times since this July is Flandreau’s Sesquicentennial and the All-School reunion. Lefse making days will be Sat. June 22 and Monday June 24.
Next WELCA meeting will be on Thursday May 9, 2019 at 2:00
Diane Bergjord checked to see if there is a need for help through
the WELCA Lily Project at the Flandreau Emergency room. Yes there is for both men and women. There will be a basket in the quilt room to place new socks and underwear in a variety of sizes for women and men. A small tag will be made for each item with the WELCA logo on it.$100 will be given to help the Moody County Ministerial Association’s expenses when serving a meal at the Banquet on May 29th. People can call Jane Delay to sign to help. WELCA Circle changes: Deborah, added Aubrey Rose, Jolene Loiseau, Jody Barboza and Janna Ellingson. Ruth additions are Courtney Loiseau and Kiira Weber and Orin Tollefson added to the shut-in list. Rachel additions are Jenna Carr, and Leah Flute. The following were removed from membership, Lindsey Schoeberl, Brenda Pulscher Laurie Roberson and Bethany Thielsen.. Hope Grows, Lutheran Social Services, will have a dinner and program on May 18 at McGrory Gardens in Brookings. Cost is $10, RSVP by May 13.
Upcoming Events:
Discussion was held on our annual lefse making. It was decided to make lefse 2 times since this July is Flandreau’s Sesquicentennial and the All-School reunion. Lefse making days will be Sat. June 22 and Monday June 24.
Next WELCA meeting will be on Thursday May 9, 2019 at 2:00
WELCA SAVE THE DATE: Women of the ELCA Spring Gathering will be held Saturday April 13, 2019 at Ascension Lutheran Church in Brookings. Registration and coffee starting at 9am. Cost is $12.00
WELCA Meeting & Potluck was held on Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 starting at 12 noon. Eighteen women were present. After the potluck meal, Pastor Alan gave devotions. “Joy to the World” was sung. Offering was collected. Pres. Sandy Harris, opened the business meeting. Minutes from the November meeting were read by Sect. Dorothy Bauske. They were approved as read. Treasurer, Dianne Bergjord gave the financial report and it was approved & placed on file. Gwen Gullickson, Mission Action Chairman, reported that the quilts were sent off and that she is going look into the possibility of us getting an ID tracking# for the WELCA boxes that are sent to missions so we can see where the quilts, etc. actually go throughout the world.
OLD BUSINESS: The Annual Disbursements were reviewed. A motion was made & seconded that this list of disbursements be accepted. Motion carried. Also in regards to a new day (Sunday) for WELCA meetings or any other suggestions, discussion was held on using the internet program that was used to organize the Family Units for the Chicken Supper. This may be an easier way for our church ladies to respond on whether they would be interested in this change. Information sheets will be handed out with the accomplishments of the WELCA to be able to continuing with the charitable works that our group does. There will also be a sign-up sheet.
NEW BUSINESS: Installation of the 2019 officers will take place at our January WELCA meeting. Date will be announced later.
Meeting was adjourned. Goodie trays (22) were assembled & distributed to our shut-ins & church staff.
OLD BUSINESS: The Annual Disbursements were reviewed. A motion was made & seconded that this list of disbursements be accepted. Motion carried. Also in regards to a new day (Sunday) for WELCA meetings or any other suggestions, discussion was held on using the internet program that was used to organize the Family Units for the Chicken Supper. This may be an easier way for our church ladies to respond on whether they would be interested in this change. Information sheets will be handed out with the accomplishments of the WELCA to be able to continuing with the charitable works that our group does. There will also be a sign-up sheet.
NEW BUSINESS: Installation of the 2019 officers will take place at our January WELCA meeting. Date will be announced later.
Meeting was adjourned. Goodie trays (22) were assembled & distributed to our shut-ins & church staff.
LEFSA MAKING DAY- Monday, June 25th, 2018
LEFSA MAKING DAY : Lefsa was made on Monday, June 25. We started preparing the potatoes at 9:00 a.m. and were done by 10:30 a.m. We had 11 workers. At 5:30 p.m. we started mixing, rolling, baking & packaging the lefsa. We had 31 workers and 9 grills. It was wonderful and things went quite well. We were done by 7:30 p.m. and by 8:45 p.m. with clean-up. We did 50# of potatoes and got 9 batches which we packaged 4 slices to a package and made 59 packages of 4. The lefsa will be sold at the Depot on July 4th Celebration at the Museum Complex starting at 10:00 a.m. until sold out. It usually goes fast, so if you would like a package or two, be there early. It will be $7.00 per package (4 slices).
A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped. It is true “Many hands make light work!” You were all great!!! Thanks again, Sandy Harris & Nancy Carlsrud.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped. It is true “Many hands make light work!” You were all great!!! Thanks again, Sandy Harris & Nancy Carlsrud.
WELCA minutes from Tuesday, May 29th 2018
OSLC WELCA meeting -Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 10 a.m. Thirteen WELCA members were present. Devotions given by Pres. Sandy Harris. Offering was taken. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Sec’t. Dorothy Bauske and approved as read with a few minor changes regarding the Spring Gathering. Treas., Dianne Bergjord presented the Treasurer’s report-balance $1251.62. The extra money ($189.00) earned on the sale of food that was left over from the Spring Gathering was to go to Missions. Motion was made to give that amount to the FIS Chaplaincy program to be used as needed.
OLD BUSINESS: Spring Gathering Comments… successful event – about 90 attended - Lefsa making… will be done on Monday, June 25…9 a.m. peel & prepare potatoes; 5:30 p.m. roll, bake & package lefsa…4 slices per pkg. $7.00 per pkg. to be sold at July 4th Celebration - the $20 rental fee will be paid to MCHS to use the Depot as the space to sell the lefsa. Gloria Bauske has donated her lefsa grill and supplies to OSLC WELCA. A thank you will be sent to Gloria. Correspondence…We received the following: Thank you notes from graduating seniors who received a quilt from WELCA…An invitation to McCrossan Boy’s Ranch Appreciation BBQ & Huyser Hall Dedication on Wed., June 27…Announcement of the WELCA Synodical Convention on June 29-30 at Abby of the Hills at Martin, SD.
NEW BUSINESS: New OSLC members were added to Circles. A motion was made & 2nd to increase the donation from $50 to $100 for a gift card to the Student Book store on Augustana campus to OSLC graduating seniors who attend Augustana. Dylan LeBrun will be receiving that donation this year…The ELCA Task Force that is in charge of formulating a Social Statement on “Women & Justice” has asked for feedback. It was decided that our feedback would be done on an individual basis. Feedback must be given by Sept. 30th . More information visit:…Guest Day, Sept.13 at 12:00 - Joyce Schroeder suggested a speaker on Huntington Disease research. This will be considered. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next WELCA meeting is Tues., August 21 at 10 a.m.
OLD BUSINESS: Spring Gathering Comments… successful event – about 90 attended - Lefsa making… will be done on Monday, June 25…9 a.m. peel & prepare potatoes; 5:30 p.m. roll, bake & package lefsa…4 slices per pkg. $7.00 per pkg. to be sold at July 4th Celebration - the $20 rental fee will be paid to MCHS to use the Depot as the space to sell the lefsa. Gloria Bauske has donated her lefsa grill and supplies to OSLC WELCA. A thank you will be sent to Gloria. Correspondence…We received the following: Thank you notes from graduating seniors who received a quilt from WELCA…An invitation to McCrossan Boy’s Ranch Appreciation BBQ & Huyser Hall Dedication on Wed., June 27…Announcement of the WELCA Synodical Convention on June 29-30 at Abby of the Hills at Martin, SD.
NEW BUSINESS: New OSLC members were added to Circles. A motion was made & 2nd to increase the donation from $50 to $100 for a gift card to the Student Book store on Augustana campus to OSLC graduating seniors who attend Augustana. Dylan LeBrun will be receiving that donation this year…The ELCA Task Force that is in charge of formulating a Social Statement on “Women & Justice” has asked for feedback. It was decided that our feedback would be done on an individual basis. Feedback must be given by Sept. 30th . More information visit:…Guest Day, Sept.13 at 12:00 - Joyce Schroeder suggested a speaker on Huntington Disease research. This will be considered. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next WELCA meeting is Tues., August 21 at 10 a.m.
WELCA minutes from Tuesday, March 20th, 2018
We will make lefse again on the date above. Sign up sheets will be on the table in the fellowship hall. We will do it the same as before - peel & prepare the potatoes in the morning and roll, bake & package it in the evening. The times will be on the sign up sheets. If you can't make at the time set, please indicate what time will be coming, please come when you can. If there are not enough signed up for the evening we will not be making lefse. Thank you. Sandy H.
We will make lefse again on the date above. Sign up sheets will be on the table in the fellowship hall. We will do it the same as before - peel & prepare the potatoes in the morning and roll, bake & package it in the evening. The times will be on the sign up sheets. If you can't make at the time set, please indicate what time will be coming, please come when you can. If there are not enough signed up for the evening we will not be making lefse. Thank you. Sandy H.
OSLC WELCA meeting was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 starting at 10 a.m. with 11 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Harris and the WELCA Purpose Statement was read. Sandy presented a devotional message and an offering was taken. The secretary’s report was read and approved. It was reported that $1067.25 was given as the amount of the Love Offering collection. Five young people will be going to camp and their $50 fee for each has been paid to the church office from WELCA. Mission Action Report was presented. A letter from Lutheran Outdoors was read asking for ideas for fund-raising projects other than the Quilt Auction as held in past years. Prayer Shawls were discussed and more information will follow on this.
MEDARY CONFERENCE SPRING GATHERING… The theme of the Gathering is “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING”. Pres. Sandy presented a final wrap-up on plans for the Spring Gathering to be hosted by OSLC WELCA on Saturday, April 21. Setup time will be Friday, April 20 at 1:30 p.m. The noon meal will be furnished by OSLC WELCA. The cost of this event is $12 with registration and morning coffee starting at 9 a.m. Caterer will be “Big Bear BBQ” owner Larry & Lori Peters, providing pulled pork on a bun and potato salad. Nancy Dahmen has been hired to make a fruit salad which will be paid for by OSLC WELCA and we will also furnish apple crisp for dessert. Each circle is asked to furnish 2 – 9X13 inch pans of apple crisp which will be cut into 18 pcs. = 108 pcs. total. Pastor Alan will do both the Bible Study and afternoon worship communion service. Program will be given by Bill Britton, Chaplain at the Flandreau Indian School . The proceeds from the Silent Auction will be given to FIS Chaplaincy. Marilyn Jackson and Marilyn Powers will be OSLC delegates for this Spring Gathering. Advent Capelle Kids and Jay & Lyn Ortizano will be our special music.
LEFSA PROJECT… a Motion was made by Dorothy Bauske, seconded by Zona Sanderson NOT to make lefsa. Votes were taken…5 to continue making lefsa and 4 not to continue. It was decided to continue. A date to prepare it will be decided later and sign-up sheets will be provided. If not enough interest, we will not make lefsa.
The next scheduled WELCA meeting is for Tuesday, May 29 at 10 a.m. Meeting was adjourned.
OSLC WELCA meeting was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 starting at 10 a.m. with 11 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Harris and the WELCA Purpose Statement was read. Sandy presented a devotional message and an offering was taken. The secretary’s report was read and approved. It was reported that $1067.25 was given as the amount of the Love Offering collection. Five young people will be going to camp and their $50 fee for each has been paid to the church office from WELCA. Mission Action Report was presented. A letter from Lutheran Outdoors was read asking for ideas for fund-raising projects other than the Quilt Auction as held in past years. Prayer Shawls were discussed and more information will follow on this.
MEDARY CONFERENCE SPRING GATHERING… The theme of the Gathering is “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING”. Pres. Sandy presented a final wrap-up on plans for the Spring Gathering to be hosted by OSLC WELCA on Saturday, April 21. Setup time will be Friday, April 20 at 1:30 p.m. The noon meal will be furnished by OSLC WELCA. The cost of this event is $12 with registration and morning coffee starting at 9 a.m. Caterer will be “Big Bear BBQ” owner Larry & Lori Peters, providing pulled pork on a bun and potato salad. Nancy Dahmen has been hired to make a fruit salad which will be paid for by OSLC WELCA and we will also furnish apple crisp for dessert. Each circle is asked to furnish 2 – 9X13 inch pans of apple crisp which will be cut into 18 pcs. = 108 pcs. total. Pastor Alan will do both the Bible Study and afternoon worship communion service. Program will be given by Bill Britton, Chaplain at the Flandreau Indian School . The proceeds from the Silent Auction will be given to FIS Chaplaincy. Marilyn Jackson and Marilyn Powers will be OSLC delegates for this Spring Gathering. Advent Capelle Kids and Jay & Lyn Ortizano will be our special music.
LEFSA PROJECT… a Motion was made by Dorothy Bauske, seconded by Zona Sanderson NOT to make lefsa. Votes were taken…5 to continue making lefsa and 4 not to continue. It was decided to continue. A date to prepare it will be decided later and sign-up sheets will be provided. If not enough interest, we will not make lefsa.
The next scheduled WELCA meeting is for Tuesday, May 29 at 10 a.m. Meeting was adjourned.
WELCA Minutes from Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018
OSLC WELCA…meeting was held on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. with 16 members present. Pres. Sandy gave devotions. Offering was collected. Secretary & Treasurer’s reports were given and placed on file. Other committee reports were given.
OLD BUSINESS: The WELCA Spring Gathering Planning Meeting will be held on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 10 a.m.
Love offering will be collected during February and will be donated to local missions. Lorraine C. will hand out envelopes to all WELCA members on Sundays in February.
Pastor Alan reported that the Medary Conference Clergy meeting will be held at OSLC on March 20. The WELCA will serve morning coffee and donuts at 9 a.m. Lunch will be at a local restaurant.
WELCA meeting will be held on March 20 at 10 a.m. in the Conference Room.
NEW BUSINESS: WELCA booklets are ready and those that haven’t been picked up will be mailed at the end of March. Installation of the 2018 officers was done by Pastor Alan.
Other announcements…Ash Wednesday is Feb. 14.
Lenten Soup Suppers will be at 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. with worship starting at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets will be available for those who would like to furnish food for the suppers.
Youth Group will have a fundraiser supper on Sunday, Feb. 11. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
OLD BUSINESS: The WELCA Spring Gathering Planning Meeting will be held on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 10 a.m.
Love offering will be collected during February and will be donated to local missions. Lorraine C. will hand out envelopes to all WELCA members on Sundays in February.
Pastor Alan reported that the Medary Conference Clergy meeting will be held at OSLC on March 20. The WELCA will serve morning coffee and donuts at 9 a.m. Lunch will be at a local restaurant.
WELCA meeting will be held on March 20 at 10 a.m. in the Conference Room.
NEW BUSINESS: WELCA booklets are ready and those that haven’t been picked up will be mailed at the end of March. Installation of the 2018 officers was done by Pastor Alan.
Other announcements…Ash Wednesday is Feb. 14.
Lenten Soup Suppers will be at 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. with worship starting at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets will be available for those who would like to furnish food for the suppers.
Youth Group will have a fundraiser supper on Sunday, Feb. 11. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
January 2018 WELCA Officers installed~
January 2018- WELCA Updates
WELCA NEWS... OSLC WELCA meeting was held on Dec. 14, 2017 starting with a noon potluck. Carols were sung and Pastor Alan gave the Bible Study which consisted of true or false questions about Christmas beliefs. The business meeting was called to order by Pres. Sandy Harris. Secretary & Treasurer Reports were given and placed on file. Dianne Bergjord, Treasurer, had copies for everyone of the Proposed Annual Disbursements. The list of Disbursements were approved and will be listed in the 2017 OSLC Annual Report.
Discussion was held on whether to have Circles or volunteers help with the Medary Conference Spring Gathering which will be held here at OSLC in April, 2018. It was decided to ask for volunteers to help with this event. Anyone who would like to volunteer for this, please contact Sandy Harris or the church office.
Christmas gifts were given to Pastor Alan & Diane, Connie, & Roger & Robin as a Thank-you for all that they do for us all year long.
Everyone was asked to bring cookies or other goodies for the Christmas goodie trays that were distributed that day to our shut-ins, staff, and other members of OSLC. NEXT WELCA MEETING WILL BE TUESDAY, JAN. 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Ruth & Rachel Circle meets Thursday, Jan. 18 at 1:30 p.m. and Deborah Circle meets Thursday, Jan. 25 at 9:00 a.m.
WELCA NEWS... OSLC WELCA meeting was held on Dec. 14, 2017 starting with a noon potluck. Carols were sung and Pastor Alan gave the Bible Study which consisted of true or false questions about Christmas beliefs. The business meeting was called to order by Pres. Sandy Harris. Secretary & Treasurer Reports were given and placed on file. Dianne Bergjord, Treasurer, had copies for everyone of the Proposed Annual Disbursements. The list of Disbursements were approved and will be listed in the 2017 OSLC Annual Report.
Discussion was held on whether to have Circles or volunteers help with the Medary Conference Spring Gathering which will be held here at OSLC in April, 2018. It was decided to ask for volunteers to help with this event. Anyone who would like to volunteer for this, please contact Sandy Harris or the church office.
Christmas gifts were given to Pastor Alan & Diane, Connie, & Roger & Robin as a Thank-you for all that they do for us all year long.
Everyone was asked to bring cookies or other goodies for the Christmas goodie trays that were distributed that day to our shut-ins, staff, and other members of OSLC. NEXT WELCA MEETING WILL BE TUESDAY, JAN. 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Ruth & Rachel Circle meets Thursday, Jan. 18 at 1:30 p.m. and Deborah Circle meets Thursday, Jan. 25 at 9:00 a.m.
November 28th, 2017
OSLC WELCA MEETING: Highlights from the November 28th WELCA meeting are as follows: Meeting was opeded by Chairman, Sandy Harris. 16 were present Reports were given. WELCA served 11 funerals so far this year. Old Business.. Guest Day Luncheon was September 14—98 people attended. Guest speaker was Teresa Nygaard from the “Church on the Street” of Sioux Falls. — No bake -bake sale donations totaled $2,147, which will be distributed to missions.—2018 MEDARY CONFERENCE SPRING GATHERING, will be held on April 21 at Flandreau. Planning date for the Spring Gathering will be Saturday, Jan. 27th at 10:00 AM. at OSLC. Donation to ACS Event was $100.00 plus one quilt. Discussion was held on weather to do lefse next year. That will be decided later. New Business... Election of officers for 2018.. Chairman Sandy Harris; Vice-Chairman None; Secretary, Dorothy Bauske (temporary) assisted by Gwen Gullickson; Treasurer– Diane Bergjord; Mission Action– Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier; Kitchen Coordinator– Robin Fodness; Circle Calling Chairman; JoAnn Clark; Circle Chairman– Deborah.. JoAnn Dailey, Chairman Nancy Carlsrud, Ruth– Diana Larson; Rachel– JoAnn Clark. It was decided that we will omit Missions Community for now as the Stephen Ministry duties are very similar.
Christmas Potluck.. Thursday, Dec. 14—12:00 noon. Please bring 1 dozen cookies or treats for our shut-ins. These plates will be distributed that late afternoon. Bible study by Pastor Alan. Distributions of all mission donations will be finalized at this meeting. All WELCA members are welcome to attend. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Christmas Potluck.. Thursday, Dec. 14—12:00 noon. Please bring 1 dozen cookies or treats for our shut-ins. These plates will be distributed that late afternoon. Bible study by Pastor Alan. Distributions of all mission donations will be finalized at this meeting. All WELCA members are welcome to attend. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
WELCA Guest Day- September 14th, 2017
The next OSLC WELCA Meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the church
OSLC WELCA GUEST DAY~ Our Savior's WELCA in Flandreau will hold our annual Guest Day on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 12:00 for a salad luncheon. All women are invited to attend. Those who are on their noon lunch hour from work will be allowed to eat first. Our guest speaker is Teresa Nygaard, Mission Interpretation Coordinator of the South Dakota Synod. She will be talking on the mission work being done known as "Church on the Street".
MEDARY CONFERENCE: Women of the ELCA Fall Gathering will be Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at Badger Legion Hall, Badger, S.D. Registration and coffee –9:00 AM. Cost is $8.00.For more information please read the flyer on the bulletin board in the Education Unit. Anyone interested in attedning, please contact Sandy Harris 605-864-0321
LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF: LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF: In order to be ready for the Lutheran Relief shipment of quilts and kits in October, we will be do a kit of month collection again this year. For the month of September we will be doing Baby Care Kit:, Items needed :
2 lightweight cotton t-shirts
2 long or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet)
2 receiving blankets, medium weight cotton or flannel, or
crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn ( up to 52‖
4 cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
2 diaper pins or large safety pins
1 sweater or sweatshirt with hood or baby cap
2 pairs of socks
One hand towel, dark color recommended
2 bath-size bar (4-5 oz.) of gentle soap, in its original wrapping
**Gently used, clean items can be substituted for new ones. Wrap all articles in one of the receiving blankets and secure with diaper pins. do not enclose the kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. See the sample kit on the table in the Fellowship Hall.
2 lightweight cotton t-shirts
2 long or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet)
2 receiving blankets, medium weight cotton or flannel, or
crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn ( up to 52‖
4 cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
2 diaper pins or large safety pins
1 sweater or sweatshirt with hood or baby cap
2 pairs of socks
One hand towel, dark color recommended
2 bath-size bar (4-5 oz.) of gentle soap, in its original wrapping
**Gently used, clean items can be substituted for new ones. Wrap all articles in one of the receiving blankets and secure with diaper pins. do not enclose the kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. See the sample kit on the table in the Fellowship Hall.
NO BAKE-BAKE SALE: Our WELCA “No Bake, Bake Sale” will be held during the month of September. This will take the place of our Bake Sale and Bazaar, that was usually held in November. Instead of baking and making craft items, we will be receiving cash donations. All donations will be appreciated, by many who benefit from our December distribution to Missions. All donations will be appreciated. Envelopes will be available in the Fellowship Hall for your convenience . Please place envelopes in the Sunday offering or mail them to the church office at 505 S. Wind St. Flandreau, S.D. 57028.
WELCA MEETING REPORT: OSLC WELCA meeting was held on Tuesday, May 9th with 14 present, Sandy Harris, chairman, opened the meeting with a devotional message. It was noted that a quilt will be presented to each senior graduate, 11 in all, on Recognition Sunday, May 14. Seven WELCA women from our church attended the Spring Gathering held in Madison, S.D. on Sat. April 22. Flandreau WELCA will be hosting the Spring Gathering next year in 2018. There were a total of 81 women attending this gathering. Lefsa Making Day will be on Monday, June 19, ( 9am– peel, cook and mix potatoes) (6 p.m.–roll, bake & package lefsa) We need your help doing this so there will be sign– up sheets in the fellowship hall for the different times. The lefsa will be sold at the 4th of July Museum celebration.
WELCA BOOKS: The 2017 WELCA books are completed and are in the box on a table in the fellowship hall. Please be sure to take yours, so we won’t have to mail it, and make sure all information is correct.
WELCA UPDATES: WELCA MEETING REPORT: The OSLC WELCA met Wednesday, Jan.18,2017 at 10:00 am in the church fellowship hall. There were 15 women present. Installation of officers was done by Marlys Drewes.
President Sandy Harris
Secretary Karen Lang
Treasurer Diane Bergjord
Circle Calling Chairman JoAnn Clark.
Officers not in attendance Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier Mission Action
JoAnn Ramsdell Missions Community
Sandy Harris- President, gave a big thank-you to the out going officers. Secretary and treasurers reports were given. A list of ladies willing to help the various circles when needed.
Will have a “Love” offering in Feb 2017.
Will have a “No Bake” bake sale in Sept. 2017.
Guest Day will be Sept. 12, 2017.
Diane Bergjord volunteered to launder the lace table cloths.
ew WLCA booklets are ready. Please pick up your copy in the Fellowship Hall. Was decided to publish the WELCA meeting minutes in the Sunday morning Happenings.
Will leave the Lenten soup suppers on a sign up basis.
Next WELCA meeting will be Tuesday May 09,2017. Secretary, Karen Lang.
President Sandy Harris
Secretary Karen Lang
Treasurer Diane Bergjord
Circle Calling Chairman JoAnn Clark.
Officers not in attendance Gwen Gullickson and Linda Meier Mission Action
JoAnn Ramsdell Missions Community
Sandy Harris- President, gave a big thank-you to the out going officers. Secretary and treasurers reports were given. A list of ladies willing to help the various circles when needed.
Will have a “Love” offering in Feb 2017.
Will have a “No Bake” bake sale in Sept. 2017.
Guest Day will be Sept. 12, 2017.
Diane Bergjord volunteered to launder the lace table cloths.
ew WLCA booklets are ready. Please pick up your copy in the Fellowship Hall. Was decided to publish the WELCA meeting minutes in the Sunday morning Happenings.
Will leave the Lenten soup suppers on a sign up basis.
Next WELCA meeting will be Tuesday May 09,2017. Secretary, Karen Lang.
CHRISTMAS CARDS: Do you have old Christmas Cards? We can recycle them for you. Keep just the front of the card, with know personal writing. Put them in the designated box, on the coat rack shelf in the west end of the Education Unit. We will send them for you. Last year they went
to the Women’s Prison.
to the Women’s Prison.
DAILY GRACE: WHEN YOU NEED IT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!! Daily Grace a free App, features daily readings, reflection, prayers, Join on facebook, twitter and for more information. Also check the WELCA bulletin board in the Education Unit.
90 + Quilts made and Donated by WELCA ladies !
25 Personal Care Kits Donated in 2013!
10 Baby Care Kits Donated in 2013!
29 School Kits Donated in 2013
9 Fabric Kits Donated in 2013