As usual our Youth Group is a force of nature moving so quickly it's hard to keep up. See below for links to our Facebook posts. If you cannot access this link, you can go to the main OSLC Facebook page and request to join our group. I'm sure I missed some. And there is more posted on the Church News blog (go to calendar and click on Church News, and then just click Youth Group on the right).
May 1, 2024 Youth Group picnic supper April 28, 2024 Youth Gathering fundraiser April 14, 2024 Sunday School Kids at Edgewood, Youth Group last Breakfast until the Fall April 3, 2024 Last J.A.M. for until the Fall March 13, 2024 Tonight the youth group went out visiting & giving prayer to the shut ins. February 7, 2024 JAM was filled with lots of excitement tonight. Also February 4, 2024 The Youth group wants to thank everyone for supporting their breakfast. Also January 17, 2024 Tonight the youth had "A youthful meal around the table" January 3, 2024 Kicked off our 1st JAM of 2024! December 13, 2023 Merry Christmas & God bless, from the Youth Group. December 6, 2023 Another great night of J.A.M Also December 3, 2023 The Youth group wants to Thank everyone for another successful breakfast. AND MUCH MORE!
On the 3rd Sunday of each month, we celebrate baptism anniversaries for children up 8th grade. The anniversary of your baptism - or Baptism Birthday - is important. It marks the day you became part of God's family, just as your birthday is the day you became part of your family. Each year on your birthday, you celebrate how you have grown. So, during the month of your Baptism Birthday, we are going to celebrate how you have grown in your faith!
May Baptism Birthdays: Hunter Bushkofsky, Braehden Kuhnel, Titus Tollefson, Evan Hoffman, Arianna Duncan, Ash Kuhnel, Ally Kuhnel, Ari Kuhnel, Brooklyn Beltman, Emmersyn Sutton, Jada Nelson, Lennon Weber, Wade Johanson, Tate Johanson, Jade Nelson, and Taylor Witte Dear South Dakota Synod,
Grace and Peace to you in the name of the Risen One, Christ our Lord! This year's Synod Assembly theme is "Connect(ed)". Every year post-assembly I talk to God's people one theme stands out; "I didn't know how connected we are as the ELCA." We took this discovery and made it our theme for this year's assembly. The spotlight will be on our partners across the state, nation, and world. Instead of keynote speakers, we will offer thematic panel conversations. The sit-down dinner will give way to a Peter Mayer concert on the Augustana University campus, where simultaneously food trucks will offer culinary choices complete with SDSU ice cream. This open concept of gathering will allow visitors from the community, maybe even your community, to join in the fun and provide a relaxed atmosphere to connect with those partners you had heard in the panel conversations earlier that day. The planning team hopes you will leave the assembly with a deeper sense of connectedness across the church and inspire your community to seek out or strengthen an intentional partnership with those you have met. Of course, we will have business to take care of and resolutions to vote on. This brings me to the last newsworthy item. We will change how we vote. Instead of renting voting devices, we will switch to electronic voting via phone, tablet, or laptop. This can cause anxiety amongst those attending the assembly as voting members. I assure you that before the assembly we will have online training sessions. Once we are in assembly we practice until everyone confidentially participates. I look forward to welcoming you to the assembly as a visitor or guest. A registration link for those attending will open shortly. Check on assembly-related news in your weekly e-news. Journeying in Christ with you, Rev. Constanze Hagmaier Bishop of the SD Synod Rev. Katia Cortez, Pastor President of the ILFE (the Lutheran Church of Faith and Hope, Nicaragua), sent a message providing several updates at ILFE to our Companion Synod Committee and Bishop Hagmaier. We are sharing a translated version of her message with updates and well-wishes for our Synod and our upcoming Synod Assembly. You can read the translated message at:
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February 2025