July 9 at The Merc, 4:00pm
Fundraiser for 2023 Vacation Bible School! All are welcome! (Free will offering) Registration: https://flandreau.mycokesburyvbs.com/register-child Volunteer: flandreau.mycokesburyvbs.com/register-volunteer Donate:https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0e4badac2faaf4c34-vbsdonations1 or Monetary donations can be made at First National Banck to Flandreau VBS account or contact Malerie Yeaton or Nancy Witte. What can families expect out of VBS this year?
July 31-Aug 3 Program and Community Meal Aug 3 in the evening Kids will sing at Park Days Ecumenical Worship Service The theme is Hero Hotline: Called Together to Serve God! Kids will learn that anyone can be a hero and that heroes are called to follow Jesus, help others, work together, listen to God, and show grace. They'll learn these things through sessions that teach 5 different Bible stories that relate to those themes. The kids will rotate through different stations: Bible Story, Crafts, Music, Recreation, Science, and Snack. The pastors of some area churches will be teaching at the Bible Story station. The "hotline" verse is "So let's strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up." Romans 14:19 This verse is the focus of the entire event! To go along with the hero theme, we're going to learn more about and recognize our local heroes: police officers, medical personnel (doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.), members of the military (both active and veterans), and firemen. During snack time, the campers will get to meet local "heroes" and learn more about how they help our community. If you are a local hero, you're invited to come visit! Reach out to [email protected] for more information. We have designated days set aside for each category. Monday morning: police Monday afternoon: medical personnel (doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.) Tuesday morning: active military Tuesday afternoon: military veterans Wednesday morning: firemen We would also love for these heroes to attend our program Thursday night for a special presentation. This year our mission project is to collect NEW blankets and stuffed animals for young patients that visit the Flandreau Hospital or Clinic and for Hospice patients. Campers can begin bringing those the first day and we will collect them through Thursday. This is a huge need and the hospital staff really appreciates when these things are donated. Many local families have experienced, firsthand, what it's like to have a child in the emergency room that is given a new blanket and/or a stuffed animal. It's one small thing that can make a big difference in making the child feel more happy or comfortable.This is a way we can help our local heroes in the medical field! Why consider sending your kids? The campers have so much fun while they learn life-changing things and grow in their faith. Kids get to spend time together a few weeks before school starts. Many of them don't get to see each other during the summer. They learn about important Bible stories and a great message: serving others! Kids will get to learn more about our local heroes and do a project that will show their appreciation for those heroes. What do you hear most from parents and kids at the end of each session? The parents tell me how tired their kids are! ha! We keep the kids moving through different stations so they're busy and exhausted at the end of the day from all the fun. Parents have also told me that their kids come home singing the songs and sing them for weeks after VBS! Parents have even requested access to the songs after VBS is done so their kids can continue singing them. Nuts and bolts - what do they need to know? Flandreau Community VBS is a local nonprofit that was started last summer. Local churches are supportive of our mission, but Vacation Bible School is not affiliated with just one church. The local churches that have supported VBS in the past have included, but are not limited to, 2nd Presbyterian Church, Flandreau United Methodist Church, Messiah Lutheran Church, Our Blessed Redeemer Episcopal Church, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, The Rescue Church, and Trent Baptist Church. This year we are excited that representatives of the Colman Lutheran Church will be joining us! Megan Fritz, representing that congregation, has been an active member of the Planning Team. Planning Team Members include Linda Christenson (treasurer) Megan Fritz Pastor Ramona Hayes Jamie Hemmer Abby Joachims Lori Peters Pastor Janice Thompson Elizabeth Wesala Nancy Witte Malerie Yeaton Marie Ziebarth Scan the QR code for registration or visit https://flandreau.mycokesburyvbs.com/. Paper registration forms are available in the entryway at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. July 21 is the registration deadline that will guarantee campers get a t-shirt. We can take registrations after that and will never turn kids away, but it would be extremely helpful if we have registrations by July 21. July 31-Aug 3 are the dates. It's at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. K-6th grade (in the fall of 2023) Monday, July 31-Wednesday, Aug 2: 9am-3pm. Campers should bring a sack lunch. Please email [email protected] if you are financially unable to send a sack lunch with your camper. One would be provided. K-6th grade campers will have a morning snack and an afternoon snack. Wednesday, August 2 the campers should be picked up at the Bandshell park (instead of the church) at 3pm. (We will be singing at the nursing home that afternoon.) Thursday, August 3 9am-12pm. Campers will not need to bring a lunch because they will be dismissed before lunch time. Preschool Monday, July 31-Thursday, August 3 9am-12pm The preschool kids will have a morning snack but will not have lunch before they are dismissed. ALL CAMPERS will participate in a program Thursday night at 6pm. (August 3) A meal will follow and will be a fun time of fellowship with the community. We plan to have yard games set up like we did last year. Bring lawn chairs if you're able! We will accept a free will donation as a fundraiser to offset costs for VBS in the summer of 2024. Last year this meal was a huge success and we hope it will be again. All campers are also going to sing at the Park Days Ecumenical Worship Service on Sunday, August 6. (??10:00am) All campers may bring a water bottle if they'd like to, but it is not mandatory. Anything else you'd want to share? We need volunteers! Many hands make light work! Register online as a "volunteer" and sign up for specific times you can help using our Signup Genius. (See QR codes) Email [email protected] with any questions. We have a Signup Genius where people may sign up to donate needed supplies and snacks. (See QR code) Donations may be dropped off in the entryway of Our Savior's Lutheran Church. Monetary donations can be mailed to Flandreau Community VBS, 409 S Wind St, Flandreau, SD 57028 OR they can be dropped off at First National Bank. Mention the Flandreau VBS account. Thank you for your support! Monetary donations are crucial to making VBS happen. Area churches and individuals helped last year, and it would have been impossible without them. Donations go toward purchasing supplies, decorations, curriculum, publicity items (posters/postcards), postage, snacks, and t-shirts for the campers. I would estimate that it costs approximately $20+ per camper to put this event on. Through the support of our community and local churches, we're able to offer the event for free. All are welcome! My favorite part of VBS is seeing the community come together and put our kids first. Many people use their various talents and give freely of their time to make this successful. Go Flandreau! The Food Truck Party has ended. Lots of fun was had. Our many volunteers and donations were so greatly appreciated! Photos and Slide Show to be posted soon, just have to catch our breath.
It has been tradition that the VBS volunteers are fed breakfast and lunch. We would appreciate your Church providing a meal or two! Visit the signup genius link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4badac2faaf4c34-vbsstaff or leave a message at the church office.
Malorie Yeaton, Community VBS Coordinator Ready to cook up some fun? The VBS Committee is excited to invite Flandreau youth to this summer's Vacation Bible School: Food Truck Party! Mark your calendars for Aug 1-4th. More info to come!
Registration is open to all youth Preschool age (potty trained)-6th grade! Hungry to help? We are looking for VBS teachers and volunteers during the week of VBS! Come join in on the fun! |
Our Saviors Lutheran Church - FlandreauQuestions and submissions can be sent to: Categories
February 2025