Mark your calendars for September 12th. Lots of fun & exciting things are being planned with our theme as we explore all the places “God is with Me”.
There is a free meal following Rally Sunday activities.
Sunday School Teachers will meet on September 9th @ 7:30 to circle the wagons before Rally Sunday. Please come if you are able!!
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Please use file below to see recording
THANKS to a friend of OSLC for donating sweet corn for Chicken Supper! Also, a great, big THANK YOU to our members who helped pick, shuck, haul, blanch & bag it. Also, thank you to Mike at Maynards for the use of their freezer!
MANY THANKS to all of our members who volunteered their time & talents, donated supplies or funds to make our VBS successful. It was such a blessing to have 70+ kids in our building learning how God welcomes everyone into his great big tent! We are so grateful for your generosity and willingness to help! Thank You to the family of Jim Suhr for the generous memorial gifts given to the Sunday School ($1000), WELCA ($1500) and OSLC ($20,000 which will be designated soon). Thank You members of OSLC for the memorial gifts given in memory of Duane (Bud) Carr, Carol Ellefson and Jim Suhr. Thank You to Gary and Carolyn Hammer for your gift of appreciation for all the prayers for their son Mike. And of course to all the volunteers that help with service each week, Pianists, Song Leaders, Sound board, Readers, Coffee, Ushers. Sunday School teachers, Superintendent, Confirmation teachers, Council Members, and so many others that we could not do without. Thank you Jeremy for giving the sermon today!
Our Saviors Lutheran Church - FlandreauQuestions and submissions can be sent to: Categories
May 2024