October 29, 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to these OSLC youth as they celebrate their confirmation! Tyton Peters, Blake Thielsen, Elaina Bushkofsky, and Sierra Thielsen
PRE-CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE CHANGE: Starting on November 1st, 5th and 6th Grade will be alternating weeks from 3:30 to 5:00. Reminder the first days are; 5th Grade November 1st and 6th Grade on the 8th.
Affirmation of Baptism, October 29, Reformation Sunday: This year, four young people will affirm the promises made at their baptisms: Elaina Bushkofsky, Tayton Peters, Blake Thielsen, and Sierra Thielsen. We rejoice with them as they take this next step in their faith journey.
Affirmation of Baptism? What is that? A note from Pastor Ramona: Affirmation of Baptism is another term for the Confirmation service. I prefer "Affirmation of Baptism" to "Confirmation" for two reasons: one, I find it easier to talk about confirmation class and the Affirmation of Baptism service, than to have to designate between confirmation class and the confirmation service; two, Affirmation of Baptism is exactly what the young people will be doing: affirming for themselves the promises their parents and the congregation made for them at their baptisms. On the 3rd Sunday of each month, we celebrate baptism anniversaries for children up 8th grade. The anniversary of your baptism - or Baptism Birthday - is important. It marks the day you became part of God's family, just as your birthday is the day you became part of your family. Each year on your birthday, you celebrate how you have grown. So, during the month of your Baptism Birthday, we are going to celebrate how you have grown in your faith!
October Baptism Birthdays: Liam Schrecengost, Carli Cox, Rylah Otto, Aston Duncan, Ryken Loiseau, and Wyatt Veldkamp THANK YOU…
We would like to thank everyone who attended, worked or furnished food & supplies at our Sept. 14th Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Guest Day Luncheon. We had a great variety of salads and bars. Also a big thank you to Pastor Ramona for leading our dinner grace; to Charlie Hoffman for our entertainment and Bill Britton for being our guest speaker, telling us more about the Moody County Ministerial Association. We served 60 which included the guests and workers. A free-will donation was taken for the Ministerial Association which amounted close to $300. Thank you for coming! We hope you enjoyed yourself and see you again next year at our Fall Guest Day Luncheon. |
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February 2025