SUNDAY SCHOOL is looking for a Superintendent and teachers for the 2022-23 year. Please contact Wendy Streitz (605-480-0026) or the church office if you will help!
Ready to cook up some fun? The VBS Committee is excited to invite Flandreau youth to this summer's Vacation Bible School: Food Truck Party! Mark your calendars for Aug 1-4th. More info to come!
Registration is open to all youth Preschool age (potty trained)-6th grade! Hungry to help? We are looking for VBS teachers and volunteers during the week of VBS! Come join in on the fun! Helping Kids Round First will be packing meals for Nicaragua starting Monday (27 September) @ 7:00 & Tuesday afternoon @ 1:00 at the warehouse by Brett & Megan Severtson’s house.. If you are able to help pack, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall OR let Pastor know ASAP. The goal is to get as many meals packed and sent over as we possibly can, while we still can!
Looking for volunteers to help deliver meals in October!
There is a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or let the office know if you are willing to fill a spot or two. |
Our Saviors Lutheran Church - FlandreauQuestions and submissions can be sent to: Categories
February 2025