Summary of WELCA Meeting June 5, 2022:
-Circle Bible Study will resume with Pastor Wayne leading the Bible studies on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30. We will use the Bible study from the Gather Magazine. First study was on June 16th. The next Bible study will be on July 21st at 10:30 using the Bible study from the July/August Gather magazine. Copies of the study are available in the magazine rack inside the Ed. Unit if you do not receive the Gather Magazine. -Discussion on WELCA meetings was held. Sandy Harris suggested that we have officers meetings with minutes written up for everyone. Anyone can attend. A motion was made and seconded to let the executive board set meetings’ date and time and to make WELCA decisions for our group. The meetings will be open to all women of our church. Minutes will be made available to all. Motion carried. -Lefse will not be made for the 4th of July event this year. It was decided that we will make lefse later in the fall with orders taken for lefse from our congregation. -We will have Guest Day in September. -There will be a notice in the Happenings that WELCA offering can be put in the offering plate, left at the church office or sent in to the church office. Be sure that it is marked that it is for WELCA. -Discussion was held on getting a dishwasher and on the use of using our Correll plates and cups instead of using paper and styrofoam products. Information on the possibility of installing a dishwasher needs to be researched first.
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